CITY & GUILDS 16 – 19 STUDY PROGRAMME EXAMPLE L1 Electrical Installation 1
CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 1: ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION In this example looks at the core programme being Work Experience and Employability skills to give the individual the skills and knowledge to enter the working environment. It will also help with their employment prospect once they have progressed under programme of study and the industry sector of their choice. Programmes using GSCE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) Programme of Study- Qual/QAN number GLHs (on LARA) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) This shows a programme based around work experience and employability skills with a vocational taster based on the individuals future plans of progression 600/57567/ L1 Certificate in Employability Skills 600/5761/0 Level 1 Award in Personal and Social Skills - optional PSD available 99 glh 48glh Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required (5009838X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c50 Could do Entry 3 if required (50110821) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh Work Experience Work experience carried out by external employers 120 (Band 3) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression. 36 Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) 60054402 Level 1 Certificate in Introduction to Electrical Installation Skills 137 glh Total hours Flexibility for total planned can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 540 © CITY & GUILDS
CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY EXAMPLE LEVEL 1 TEMPLATE Under the latest Government actions, full time learners will be required to be on a programme that is no less than 540 Guide Learning Hours for a full time programme, with 600 being the optimum, although they can be larger and self funded above this level. Programme of Study Qual/QAN number GLHs (on LARA) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) EXAMPLE ONLY c300 (min) Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required (5009838X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Could do Entry 3 if required (50110821) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh Work Experience At Level 1 and below seen as a minimum requirement to gain work ethic and experience c50 -99 (link to WE coding) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) TBC Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) L1 Award in Employability skills QAN 600/57555 Example - 46 Total hours Flexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 540 -600 + 3