Singleton High School Year 11 Subject Selection 2019 Presentation to Year 10 Students and Parents/Caregivers Tuesday 31st July 2018
Working towards a Successful HSC Begins now. Homework survey today: “How many hours do you devote to study at home on a week by week basis?” Study includes: Assessment task preparation – research, planning, drafting Completing homework or incomplete classwork Revising past lesson notes Reading ahead (texts, novels, case studies, recommended reading) Researching for class or assessment tasks. Writing summaries. Practising past papers.
Survey Results – Yr 10 Singleton HS 31st July 2018 20 odd students spend 1 hour a week on study About 10 spend 2 hours a week on study About 5 spend 3 hours a week on study Two students spend 5 hours a week on study. Most students indicated that they do what they need to do, the minimum, usually the day or night before the due date. This is not enough for students who will be competing against 80,000 students across the state, some of whom take study seriously.
How many hours should students devote to study each week? Year 10 – 2 hours per subject per week. 6 subjects x 2 hrs = 12 hours. Year 11 – 3 hours per subject per week. 5 subjects x 3 hrs = 15 hours. 6 subjects x 2 hrs = 18 hours. Year 12 – 4 hours per subject per week. 5 subjects x 4 hrs = 20 hours. 6 subjects x 4 hrs = 24 hours.
Study Time = outside the classroom 5 subjects x 7 periods x 63 minutes = 2,205 minutes or 36 hours and 45 minutes per fortnight = 18 hours 20 minutes per week. Add 17 hours study time = a 35 hour week. Add 20 hours study time = a 38 hour week. Add 24 hours study time = a 42 hour week. 6 subjects x 7 periods x 63 minutes = 2,646 minutes or 44 hrs and 6 minutes per fortnight = 22 hours per week. Add 17 hours study time = a 39 hour week. Add 20 hours study time = a 42 hour week. Add 24 hours study time = a 46 hour week.
Work Rest & Play Plan for your future. Plan to study. And live. 168 hours in every week. Divide by 3 = 56 hours per week. Work = school (18 hrs class time + 17 hrs home study) = 35 hours part time work / chores = 21 hours 56 hours Rest = 8 hours sleep per day = 56 hours Play = sport, meals, ablutions, travel, tv, games, friends, Internet, social media, parties, family time = 56 hours 168 hours
Too much? Start low & build the study habit Start now in gradual increments: T3 Wk 3 - 1 hour a day x 4 days (4) T3 Wk 4 - 1 hour a day x 5 days (5) T3 Wk 5 - 1.5 hours a day x 4 days (6) T3 Wk 6 - 1.5 hours a day x 5 days (7.5) T3 Wk 7 - 2 hours a day x 4 days (8) T3 Wk 8 - 2 hours a day x 5 days (10) T3 Wk 9 - 2 hours a day x 5 days (10) T3 Wk 10 - 2 hours a day x 3 days (6)
Worth noting: English is compulsory Students must include 2 units of English for the HSC in both Year 11 and Year 12. Choose from one of three courses: English Studies English Standard English Advanced Warning: None of these courses are easy options.
Assessment – Stage 6 courses All Stage 6 courses require sustained effort towards All coursework All assessment tasks. 3 per course. Students must complete both these components in Year 11. Will not be awarded a HSC at the end of Year 12 if all Year 11 assessment components (in every subject) have not been completed satisfactorily.
Abide by the due time/date Students must complete and submit each task at the time designated on the assessment task notification. e.g. All students must submit a hard copy of their response to their classroom teacher at the beginning of period 2 on 3rd June 2019. Not shoved under the staffroom door (time unknown) Not handed to some unknown member of staff Not emailed before midnight on 3rd June 2019. If it is submitted in period 3 on 3rd June 2019 = 0% for the task.
Appealing a zero determination Each appeal is considered on its merits, merits determined largely by the documentation attached to the appeal form. These are not grounds for appeal: “I left it at home.” (be organised) “It’s in the back of dad’s car.” (be organised) “I wasn’t at home last night.” (be organised) “My printer ran out of ink/paper.” (hand write it!) “I will be on a family holiday. Booked it ages ago.” (Submit it before you go. We notified you of the due date ages ago (in February). You’ve had months to organise your submission.) “I was sick, but I don’t have a doctor’s certificate.” (A phone call or note from mum/dad won’t do. You must append a doctor’s certificate.)
Grounds for Appeal Under normal circumstances these grounds for appeal would be upheld: “I was sick and have a doctor’s certificate for the due date.” “I was involved in misadventure (accident/natural disaster) last night. Here’s my evidence”. “Death in the family. I have attached the funeral notice”. “There was a family emergency.” (This will need to be verified.) But each will require supporting documentation.
Which Year 11 English course is for me? English Studies English Standard English Advanced
Year 11 English Studies (2 units) Designed to support students who do not want to go to university (ATAR) when they leave school. Would take an apprenticeship or traineeship now if offered. Are struggling with English. Don’t like reading/writing complex texts. Finish Year 10 English with an assessment rank between about 150-217.
Year 11 English Standard (2 units) Most students in Year 10 English will opt for this course. Designed to support students who want to leave open the option to go to university (ATAR) when they leave school. May consider taking an apprenticeship or traineeship if offered before the end of Year 12. Are middle of the road in English results. Don’t particularly enjoy reading/writing complex texts. E.g. struggle with Shakespeare. Finish Year 10 English with an assessment rank between about 50-150.
Year 11 English Advanced (2 units) The top 40 students in Year 10 English at the end of T4 2018 may opt for this course. (May stretch to 60, but will really have to work hard to catch up. Start now.) Designed to support students who want to maximise their ATAR for entry to university when they leave school. Love reading/writing complex texts. Including Shakespeare, which won’t be the most difficult text they study by any means: e.g. Yeats, Elliot.
Year 11 English Extension (1 unit) Co-requisite: English Advanced Suggested for top 15-20 students in Year 10 English at the end of T4 2018 may opt for this course. Love reading/writing complex texts. Prepared to do the majority of the work required outside the classroom. Looking to enrol in Year 12 English Extension 1 and Year 12 English Extension 2.
Year 12 English Extension 1 (1 unit) Pre-requisite: successful completion of Year 11 English Extension Co-requisite: Year 12 English Advanced Coursework: e.g. romanticism, postmodernism 3-4 prescribed texts 1 x 2hr HSC examination.
Year 12 English Extension 2 (1 unit) Pre-requisite: successful completion of Year 11 English Extension Co-requisites: Year 12 English Advanced and Year 12 English Ext. 1 choice of topic, medium of production major work - 5,000 – 8,000 words reflection statement – 1,500 words both externally marked submission date third week in August no HSC examination.