What is CTP Future Horizons? Provided by the MOD as an official resettlement service for ESL through the Career Transition Partnership Open to Early Service Leavers to help them find Employment, Education & Training Opportunities Also provides specialist help with other areas (for example housing, health, debt) according to your individual needs Programme to access continued support after you are discharged Work with an allocated Employment Advisor to access whatever support you require in the future As an Early Service Leaver you are Entitled to receive this support
Why should I bother ? Accessing training and education opportunities is not a simple task ! Expert employment advisors have numerous links with organisations in your local area to help get you where you want to be in the future Central Employment Team are there to call upon whenever you need them IT’S FREE !!!! CTP Future Horizons will connect you into funding for courses and many other opportunities that are available, including apprenticeships & jobs
How Do I Sign up ? Fill out the Opt In registration form – resettlement staff will fax your registration to us CTP Future Horizons will contact you by phone within the first week you are home after discharge to discuss what your needs are and to allocate you a personal employment consultant CTP Future Horizons will keep in touch for as long as you need the service. Support is available through CTP Future Horizons for up to 2 years after your discharge date. Monthly phone calls & emails to keep in touch re your progress
CONTACT DETAILS Richard Jones 01748 836436 or 01748 831274 Lead Programme Advisor Catterick rjones@ctp.org.uk Tracy Murphy 01752 557635 or 07794656862 Lead Programme Advisor Plymouth tmurphy@ctp.org.uk Jackie Pryce 01483 798614 or 07975944736 Lead Programme Advisor Pirbright jpryce@ctp.org.uk Visit the FHP Web Page at: www.ctp.org.uk/futurehorizons