1 Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs An Introduction by Mark Gallovic UNCW Director of Education Abroad
Faculty-led Study Abroad Credit-bearing experiences abroad for degree-seeking students Participation in the program = Enrolment in the Course(s) Programs vary by: –Duration –Time frame –Location –Academic Offerings –Costs/Inclusions 2
Program Leader Responsibilities Include: –Program Design –Program Promotion –Escorting Group –Program Budget –Risk/Crisis Management May Include: –Instruction –Sharing responsibilities with accompanying/host faculty-staff 3
Program Design Duration and Time Frame 1-2 weeks –Spring Break –Tail-end of a semester –Summer session –Winterim 3-8 weeks over Summer 4 Source: Dictionary.com Unabridged (v1.1)
Location One location –May be hosted at University –May be stand alone site (hotel, camp, community) Multiple Locations –Components hosted as above –Travelling program (bus/train: On the move instruction) Any Countries –For which there is not a Dept of State Travel Warning –For which the proposal demonstrates that risks can be effectively managed. 5
6 Nature of Course(s) & Credits Taught by Host University –Costs of Instruction charged by host included in program fee –Transfer Credit: Equivalency established through Transient Study Form (TSF) Taught by UNCW faculty as UNCW Course –UNCW tuition charged upon registration in addition to program fee –Resident Credit: Letter grade recorded by instructor, affects GPA –Contact-hour Guidelines Apply A combination of the two
UNCW Courses Study Abroad as part of a Semester Course Stand Alone Course imbedded within Semester Stand Alone Course in Separate Session Tuition Implications Credit Implications Potential Pool/Qualification Implications 7
Program Fee & Overall Costs The program budget guides one through the building of the program fee and identifies additional expected costs not included in this fee. A $225 non-refundable deposit is paid by students at time of application (deducted from final program fee charged to students account) The program fee includes a $100 International Programs administrative fee, of which $20 is available for program leader use (typically promotion) 8
9 Program Fee & Overall Costs A Program Fee is typically designed to cover: –the on-site travel costs –accommodation –classroom/meeting space –host school tuition –some to all official excursions/activities –Study abroad health and emergency medical insurance –faculty leaders travel
Program Fee & Overall Costs Important to identify but typically separate from the program fee: –UNCW Tuition –International Flights (though often coordinated) –Some meals –Some onsite costs such as local transportation, entrance fees (balance ease of program budget management with students cost management) 10
Faculty Benefits Internationalizing your own CV Salaries may be requested for program leaders teaching UNCW courses on summer programs Additional salary monies are not presently available for short-term programs during a semester. Consult with your department regarding allowing study abroad courses to count towards your teaching load or be banked for future release time OIP faculty travel grants cannot be applied to program costs or activities, but can be applied for to support other activities while abroad 11
Program Concept & Design Concept designed by program leader, with support from Department chair/school authority OIP can play consultancy role Can: –utilize institutional partner –be independently cobbled to varying degrees and/or –utilize a study abroad organization or a tour conductor which customizes programs. 12
Process Time Frame Convey interest and discuss ideas with OIP at any time and with Department (support and course planning) Flush out concept and contact strategic partners 9-12 before intended program dates Submit completed proposal to OIP by –Monday, March 28, 2011 for Winter Break or Spring 2012 –Friday, September 9, 2011 for Spring 2012 or Summer 2012 Upon approval, promote program and accept applications 13
Program Proposal Guidelines and proposal packet available at: Complete packet includes: –Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Proposal Form –Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Budget –Tentative Program Itinerary –Program Design Statement What to include is outlined in Guidelines 14
OIP Services and Resources Assistance with Program design and implementation Program Promotion –Print brochures –Program listed on web and full menu promotion –Study abroad fair Standard application, DOS checks, batch registration Pre-departure orientation and preparation assistance Crisis Management – emergency protocols, global cell phones, student comportment 15
Other Faculty Opportunities Spring Study Abroad at Swansea University –Visiting Faculty within Swanseas American Studies Department: 2 courses and Honors Seminar –Program Leader: Recruitment, Activities, Liaison International Professor Exchange: Exchange with many of UNCWs current global partner schools 16
Yours to Profess, Yours to Explore Questions? 17