TEAM NAME Member 1 Member 2
Enter the THEME under which your submission falls. Enter the SUB-THEME under which your submission falls. 20-Dec-17
PROBLEM STATEMENT Define the exact PROBLEM that you intend to solve. [Not more than 100 words] 20-Dec-17
SOLUTION Explain, in brief, how you intend to SOLVE the problem at hand. Please include the following; Beneficiary/User segment this solution is intended for How it helps the beneficiary/user segment Impact that the solution would create; the impact metrics that one can use to analyze the effect of the solution Costs involved (if any) Frameworks/Technologies to be used [e.g. Django, Python, Android, SWIFT, etc.] 20-Dec-17
ADDITIONAL SUPPORT DOCUMENTS Includes but not limited to Wireframes Flow diagram/Algorithm/Pseudocode of the solution 20-Dec-17