Period 9 Review AP US HIstory
A newly ascendant conservative movement achieved several political and policy goals during the 1980s and continued to strongly influence public discourse in the following decades. Ronald Reagan’s victory in the presidential election of 1980 represented an important milestone, allowing conservatives to enact significant tax cuts and continue the deregulation of many industries. Reagonomics Reduced the top tax rate from 70% to 50% Tax Reform Act reduced the tax rate on the wealthiest to 28% "Supply-side Economics" or "Trickle Down economics" Belief that tax cuts would inspire Americans to work harder because they would keep more of the money they earned Deregulation of saving and loans institutions, allowed them to invest in unsound real estate ventures . Losses piled up, and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation faced bankruptcy (bailed out)
A newly ascendant conservative movement achieved several political and policy goals during the 1980s and continued to strongly influence public discourse in the following decades. Conservatives argued that liberal programs were counterproductive in fighting poverty and stimulating economic growth. Some of their efforts to reduce the size and scope of government met with inertia and liberal opposition, as many programs remained popular with voters. Liberals tried to increase purchasing power by using the government to bolster ordinary Americans purchasing power. Reagan- high interest rated (curb inflation) and tax cuts
A newly ascendant conservative movement achieved several political and policy goals during the 1980s and continued to strongly influence public discourse in the following decades. Policy debates continued over free-trade agreements, the scope of the government social safety net, and calls to reform the U.S. Financial system. Between 1990 and 2008, companies that did business in the global market contributed almost nothing to job growth in the US.
Moving into the 21st century, the nation experienced significant technological, economic, and demographic changes. Economic productivity increased as improvements in digital communications enabled increased American participation in worldwide economic opportunities. Computer and Internet took the place as the center of manufacturing NAFTA- removed trade barriers with Mexico, and business started moving to Mexico Outsourcing caused a decrease in wages as Americans now competed with foreign workers.
Moving into the 21st century, the nation experienced significant technological, economic, and demographic changes. Technological innovations in computing, digital mobile technology, and the Internet transformed daily life, increased access to information, and led to new social behaviors and networks. Fall of Communism opened its part of the world to capitalism World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and multinational organizations—operated without any democratic input.
Moving into the 21st century, the nation experienced significant technological, economic, and demographic changes. Employment increased in service sectors and decreased in manufacturing, and union membership declined. Manufacturing jobs moved overseas Reagan and Air Traffic strike. Fired these striking and replaced them (Example) Steel Union membership went from 600,000 to 170,000 (mid- 1990s)
Moving into the 21st century, the nation experienced significant technological, economic, and demographic changes. Real wages stagnated for the working and middle class amid growing economic inequality. (1995) for the first time since the 1970s, real wages and family income began to grow significantly. Poor and middle class became worse off Bill Gates had as much money as the bottom 40% of Americans
Moving into the 21st century, the nation experienced significant technological, economic, and demographic changes. Reagan asserted U.S. opposition to communism through speeches, diplomatic efforts, limited military interventions, and a buildup of nuclear and conventional weapons. Sponsored the largest military buildup in American history, Strategic Defense Initiative- space based system to intercept and destroy enemy missiles Ousted pro-Cuban government in Grenada Iran-Contra Affair Talks between 1985 and 1987 resulted in an agreement to eliminate intermediate and short range nuclear missiles "Tear Down This Wall"
The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U. S The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U.S. leadership forced the nation to redefine its foreign policy and role in the world. Increased U.S. military spending, Reagan’s diplomatic initiatives, and political changes and economic problems in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union were all important in ending the Cold War. 1989- pro democratic demonstrations spread across Europe and Gorbachev declared the Soviet Union would not intervene November 9 1989- Fall of the Berline Wall
The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U. S The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U.S. leadership forced the nation to redefine its foreign policy and role in the world. The end of the Cold War led to new diplomatic relationships but also new U.S. military and peacekeeping interventions, as well as continued debates over the appropriate use of American power in the world. "New World Order" World went from two super powers to one. Intervened in Panama to oust Manuel Antonio Noriega Should the US Police the World? General Powell vs Dick Cheney (America a should not commit itself to crisises with out a clear objective vs The US is in position to reshape the world and prevent hostile states) Clinton aministration and Human Rights (Break up of Yugoslavia and Rwanda)
The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U. S The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U.S. leadership forced the nation to redefine its foreign policy and role in the world. In the wake of attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the United States launched military efforts against terrorism and lengthy, controversial conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. War on Terror Bush Doctrine- Machiavellian Axis of Evil- Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. Accused of harboring terrorists and building weapons of mass destruction (no evidence) Iraq accused of collaborating with al Qaeda during 9/11 and having weapons of mass destruction (proved false later on) "Operation Iraqi Freedom"
The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U. S The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U.S. leadership forced the nation to redefine its foreign policy and role in the world. The war on terrorism sought to improve security within the United States but also raised questions about the protection of civil liberties and human rights. USA PATRIOT Act- used to prevent domestic terrorism. Authorities given the power to wiretap, spy on citizens, open letters, read email, and obtain personal records without knowledge from suspect. Guantanamo Bay- detention camp fir suspected terrorists. Secret military tribunals for non-citizens accused of being terrorists. Tradional constituional protections are ignored Tortured prisoners (Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq)
The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U. S The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U.S. leadership forced the nation to redefine its foreign policy and role in the world. Conflict in the Middle East and concerns about climate change led to debates over U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and the impact of economic consumption on the environment. Gulf War War with Iraq (2003) Global Warming US refused to sign the Kyoto Treaty
The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U. S The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U.S. leadership forced the nation to redefine its foreign policy and role in the world. Despite economic and foreign policy challenges, the United States continued as the world’s leading superpower in the 21st century. Reduction in trade has led to lower wages War on Terror