PLC Leads Meeting February 3, 2015 Nunez
Grounding Nunez
Purpose and outcome Purpose: -Participants will develop an understanding of leadership and organizational goals necessary to lead a PLC -Participants will review the PLC Cycle Outcome: -Participants will identify shared responsibilities for the facilitation of their PLC work -Participants will be able to implement the steps of the PLC Cycle (Step 2) Nunez
PLC Leadership and Organization CORE VALUES-Gallery Walk -Collaboration -Reading and Research -21st Century, Teaching, and Learning -Coaching, Reflection, and Feedback How would you implement this as a PLC Lead? Examples of each Nunez will intro activity Nunez-Collaboration Duarte-R and R Gonzalez-21st Barragan-Coaching Tinajero-Share Out
PLC cycle Barragan
PLC Cycle Step 1 review Pair-Share: -Did your PLC use the guiding questions to identify the essential standard(s)? -If not, what did you use? -Did you find the guiding questions useful? Why or why not? -Were you able to memorialize and share your essential standard(s) with your PLC members, Department Chair, and Out-of-Class Facilitator? Parker
Plc cycle Step 2 preview Backwards Planning: -Design formative and summative assessments -Consider Design, Delivery and Data -Mapping an Assessment Plan to Address a Standard (graphic organizer) Norma
PRIDE Reflection
Next Steps Next PLC Leads Meeting – Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Share all information with PLC members, Department Chair, and Administrator/Out-of-Class Personnel Next PD Session-Tuesday, February 10, 2015