Cyber-Bullying By: Shannon Hampton
Is cyber-bullying worse than physical bullying?
Introduction [Education professors] Paris and Robert Strom define cyber bullying as harassment using an electronic medium (e-mail, chat rooms, cell phones, instant messaging, and online voting booths) to threaten or harm others. This author believes that the definition should also include any form of information posted on the Internet, as in blogs, forums, etc. This latter form of cyber bullying involves gossip, humiliation, and threats. (Meech)
Advertisement and Speech This a commercial depicting cyber-bullying I feel this shows both advertisement and speech for the issue because it incorporates what victims hear when they are being tortured by their bully. Speech is a very integral part of this issue, without it the issue would not exist. Many bullies do not realize the weight of what they say nor do they think about the consequences of their words.
Statisctics This survey portrays how individuals felt when they were victims to cyber-bullying.
Compare old-age vs new-age bullying Cyber-bullying Physical bullying Victims can be any age Abuse happens through some virtual portal whether e-mail, social media, text messages or blogs No where to hide Victims can be any age May or may not include physical touch or verbal taunting Victims can escape from their bully some way
Conclusion I believe, based on the evidence I have gathered that cyber-bullying is worse than physical bullying and can be more dangerous. Through research I have found that the negative effects from cyber-bullying outweigh the negative effects from the physical form as it in most cases leads the victim to psychological distress and in some cases leads to suicide.
Resources Meech, Scott. "Cyber-Bullying Is Worse than Physical Bullying." Media Violence. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Cyber Bullying: Worse Than Traditional Bullying." Educators' eZine. 2007. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 13 Dec. 2012.
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