Administrative Team PRINCIPAL: Mr. Jeff Van Drie ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS: A – B & DALC Mrs. Judy Malasto C - H Mr. Rob Blumenthal I - P Mr. Brent Martinson Q - Z Mr. Josh Huwig
COUNSELING ASSIGNMENTS Post High School Counselors: A-B & DALC Mrs. Moffett C-H Mrs. Arthur I-P Mrs. Konopasek Q-Z Mrs. Roytan
Post High School Counselors Assist all students with course planning and registration decisions Meet individually with juniors and their parents to discuss post high school options Assist students with investigating post high school options on Naviance Deliver classroom lessons in the area of college/career readiness
COUNSELING ASSIGNMENTS Student Support Counselors: A-K Mr. Moore L-Z Ms. Dailey Counseling Office Manager: Mrs. Jenni Smoker College & Career Center Director: Mrs. Missy Alaniz
Student Support Counselors Assist all students with their social and emotional counseling needs Run counseling groups for a variety of topics as needed by our students Deliver classroom lessons in the area of social/emotional counseling Collaborates with community mental health partners for appropriate referral resources
Resources at CHS Tutor Lab Tutoring Tuesdays Open every day, 7:00-3:30, B153 Staffed with peer tutors every block for all subjects, including World Language Tutoring Tuesdays Tuesdays after school in the Media Center, 2:45-3:45 Staffed with teachers and peer tutors Grief Group run by CHS counselor, Mr. Moore Study Skills Group run by CHS counselor, Ms. Dailey
TYPICAL FOUR YEAR PLAN GRADE 9 GRADE 11 GRADE 10 GRADE 12 English Math Science World Geography/History US History PE World Language or Elective Elective SRT GRADE 10 GRADE 12 Math or Quantitative Reasoning Course Science or Elective Health Technology US Government Economics Elective or Fine Arts*
Freshman Year English Math Science World History/Geography PE World Language/Elective Elective SRT
World Language/Elective Sophomore Year English Math Science Health Technology World Language/Elective Elective Fine Arts/Elective SRT
World Language/Elective Junior Year English Math Science US History World Language/Elective Elective/Fine Arts SRT
Senior Year English Math or Quantitative Reasoning Science or Elective US Government Economics World Language/Elective Elective SRT
DIPLOMA TYPES CORE 40: Indiana’s minimum requirements CORE 40 with ACADEMIC HONORS CORE 40 with TECHNICAL HONORS GENERAL DIPLOMA: requires a meeting with counselor and signing a Core 40 opt out form.
Core 40 Requirements English/ Language Arts: 8 credits Mathematics: 6 credits (in grades 9-12) 2 credits: Algebra I 2 credits: Geometry 2 credits: Algebra II (Students must take a math course or quantitative reasoning course each year in high school) Science: 6 credits 2 credits: Biology I 2 credits: Chemistry I or Physics I or Integrated Chemistry-Physics 2 credits: any Core 40 science course Social Studies: 6 credits 2 credits: U.S. History 1 credit: U.S. Government 1 credit: Economics 2 credits: World History/Civilization or Geography/History of the World Directed Electives: 5 credits World Languages Fine Arts Career and Technical Education Physical Education: 2 credits Health and Wellness: 1 credit Electives: 6 credits (College and Career Pathway courses recommended)
Core 40 with Academic Honors Complete all requirements for Core 40. Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits. Earn 6-8 Core 40 world language credits (6 credits in one language or 4 credits each in two languages). Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits. Earn a grade of a “C-” or better in courses that will count toward the diploma. Have a grade point average of a “B” (3.0) or better.
Additional AHD Requirements Complete one of the following: A. Earn 4 credits in 2 or more AP courses and take corresponding AP exams B. Earn 6 verifiable transcripted college credits in dual credit courses from the approved dual credit list. C. Earn two of the following: 1. A minimum of 3 verifiable transcripted college credits from the approved dual credit list, 2. 2 credits in AP courses and corresponding AP exams, 3. 2 credits in IB standard level courses and corresponding IB exams.
Additional AHD Requirements D. Earn a composite score of 1250 or higher on the SAT and a minimum of 560 on math and 590 on the evidence based reading and writing section.** E. Earn an ACT composite score of 26 or higher and complete written section F. Earn 4 credits in IB courses and take corresponding IB exams.
Technical Honors Diploma Requirements Complete Requirements for Academic Honors Diploma Earn 6 credits in the college and career preparation courses in a state-approved College & Career Pathway and one of the following: Pathway designated industry-based certification or credential Pathway dual credits from the approved dual credit list resulting in 6 transcripted college credits
Additional THD Requirements A. Any one of the options (A - F) of the Core 40 with Academic Honors B. Earn the following scores or higher on WorkKeys: Reading for Information – Level 6, Applied Mathematics – Level 6, and Locating Information - Level 5. C. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Accuplacer: Writing 80, Reading 90, Math 75. D. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Compass: Algebra 66 , Writing 70, Reading 80. D. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Compass: Algebra 66 , Writing 70, Reading 80.
SCHEDULING January 29-February 8: Counselors presented in SRTs. Students received course selection sheet and scheduling information. Students and parents make course requests through Skyward: MUST BE DONE WITH STUDENT LOGIN INFORMATION March 2: Course requests closed. If changes need to be made, students must come see their counselor.
SCHEDULING Do not request Math, Science, or English. These courses will come from current teacher recommendations. The only Social Studies option is European History AP – recommended only. Do not select yourself – counselor will add. Health is required and has already been requested for all students.
SCHEDULING Students request 7 credits – Foreign Language, Music, Electives – IF they are NOT taking European History AP Students request 5 credits – Foreign Language, Music, Electives – IF they ARE taking European History AP. Select and prioritize 3 alternative courses.
TESTING ECA: End of Course Assessments Spring 10th grade: Algebra 1 Spring 10th grade: English PSAT: October - take as a 10th and 11th grader SAT/ACT: Start in Junior year – usually 2nd semester SAT Subject Tests: Not required but often started in sophomore year if necessary Accuplacer: a College and Career Readiness Test required by the state of Indiana. It may be replaced with a different test in the future.
Summer School Summer School will be FREE for all students! Students can take classes for remediation purposes with the possibility for taking classes for advancement. (Advancement classes have not been set at this time.)
Career & Technical Education Students entering their Junior year of high school will have the opportunity to take a vocational course. These courses are worth 8 credits in a school year, offer a hands on experience, dual credit, and include courses such as: Health Science Auto Mechanics CAD Precision Machining Video Production EMT Criminal Justice Culinary Dental Early Childhood Fire and Rescue Diesel Industrial Mechanics Computer Tech Welding
Naviance Family Connection Email: first name.last name Password: lunch code Research different careers in a variety of ways Take career interest inventories Research post secondary options Start list of colleges you are interested in Do scholarship search Resume Builder Keep list of activities involved in Planner
HANDOUTS Indiana Diploma Requirements Typical 4 year Plan Internet Sites focused on College Exploration Standardized Testing/Resources for Help Learn More magazine