Process Overview DPS gets approval for customer target DPS acquires invoices/excel spread sheet for price comparison SSD completes price comparison and submits for mgmt approval Price comparison get approved SSD sends approved price comparison to DPS and manager DPS schedules MPS presentation appointment with customer MPS Presentation meeting occurs DPS makes follow up visit to get agreement signed Signed agreement and verifiable collections document are filed with SSD. On-boarding process begins DPS performs reviews, formulary conversions and on-going service. Annual Review
Customer Targeting Process MW current customer purchasing 50K+, on a =>7% discount MW customer with 35K+ potential that is splitting business ($1m dollar practice). Determine other targets individually with DPS & managers Customer Targeting Process
Get invoices/excel spreadsheet with pricing on non- customers or ones splitting the business Price Comparison Based on Last 3 Months Buying History for the Last 12 Months Price Comparison
Potential customer, DPS & manager for individual meetings Customers, DPS, manager & partners for group presentations Emphasize the conversion to formulary, overall impact of MPS Sign non-disclosure before price comparison is revealed. MPS Presentation
MPS Agreement SSD prepares customized agreement DPS must get verifiable collections number along with signature to put the agreement in place and determine monthly spend minimum Non-disclosure works both ways to insure the doctor’s financial information is not shared. MPS Agreement
Communication to DPS, manager, partners of new MPS customer DPS sets meeting with staff: Reviews agreement Goes over all contacts Reviews process of bringing partners in to meet with staff Reviews the process of moving items to formulary and why Reviews the service part of the agreement Talks about the quarterly review covering monthly minimums, rebate earned, etc. On-Boarding Process
Formulary Review Process Category review of items on/off of the formulary Discuss the philosophy of narrowing the formulary and driving the higher margin products (pl). Sampling of items that customer wants to try (possibly stock) Formulary Review Process
Quarterly Review Process Set meeting with doctor and staff Review rebate earned ytd Review percentage of items off of formulary and opportunities Review monthly minimum purchase Review of Midwest Preferred Partners participation Review any new formulary products/vendors Quarterly Review Process
Annual Review Present final numbers for purchasing and rebate Documentation to set minimum purchases for agreement renewal Deliver sample check to promotionalize rebate Annual Review
MPS Welcome Packet Includes: Explanation of Benefits Dental Compliance Specialists Information Lucent Spot Marketing Information MWA Advisors Information TechSource Dental Information United Dental Alliance (UDA) Information Midwest Dental MPS Contact Information MPS Partner Contact Information