Askew’s Classroom Philosophy If you don’t make mistakes, you’re doing it wrong. If you don’t correct those mistakes, you’re doing it really wrong. If you can’t accept that you’re mistaken, you’re not doing it at all.
Whiteboading Sessions Goals: 1) Learn everyone's name in your group. 2) As a group divide your whiteboard into three panes and diagram what might be happening. 1st- particle level when the flame is burring brightly. 2nd- contents when the flame is about to go out. 3rd- what you think is happening inside the can when it explosion occurs. 3) Done in 8 minutes.
Today Summarize the important parts of my classroom: - Syllabus - Class Procedures - Grading - Rules
I-Pad Policies I plan on treating you as adults, so please respect the equipment and do what you are supposed to do. Everyone will be assigned an individual I-pad by it’s number. When we are using the I-pad always get your number.
I-Pad Apps
Class Procedure
Fair is Fair As a student enrolled in this class, I affirm the principle of academic integrity and commit to upholding integrity by completing all academic assignments in the manner expected, informing the instructor of suspected instances of academic misconduct by myself and my peers, and fully engage in the class and its related assignments for the purpose of learning.
Grading Policies
Measurements- Prove it Quizzes One important component to measurements are Prove It Quizzes. You will have these scheduled quizzes after each major concept that is introduced. We will be taking these quizzes during the BRN time about once a month. Each quiz will be graded out of 10 points. If you score a 8 or better you have proven to me that you understand the content and are ready to move on in the class. 1.
Measurements- Prove it Quizzes
Why an 8/10 Is 80% mastery sufficient? Crossing the Street Landing a Plane Completing a pass in NFL Scoring in NBA (Michael Jordan shooting percentage was 49.7%)
Measurements- Prove it Quizzes If you score below an 8, you will have to retake a longer and harder quiz before you are able to move on in the class. This quiz must be taken on your own time (before school (7:35-7:50) or after school (2:25- 2:40)). If you don’t pass a second time you will be scheduled for one on one study time with me on your own time and have to complete the dreaded quiz 3. 2.
Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Taken during class time Shortest, Easiest, all questions are off practice problems. Quiz 2 Taken on your time Twice as long as Quiz 1 More difficult, question are off practice problems mostly. You have 1 week to take Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Done on your time Parents contacted Required study sessions before and after school. Can be projected based. “Busy Work” List of components that need complete by a deadline. You have 1 week to take Quiz 3
Measurements- Prove it Quizzes The correct answer on these quiz is worth very little. How you set up the problem is where you will earn your 10 points. Therefore you will not get any credit (0/10) if you do not show your work on calculated problems. Show and write out the work! Questions that are not answered in complete sentence will lose credit. (High School is an academic setting, therefore you are required to write in complete sentences with punctuation.) 3.
Measurements- Prove it Quizzes How do you prepare for these quizzes? You will be given practice problems, that will not be collected or graded. Why? - I have learned from experience that students don’t take homework seriously. Therefore, when you feel that you completely understand the concept or could complete any practice problem without a mistake, stop doing the homework, and take it easy. You are responsible (not me) for knowing when your ready to move on. Remember the answer binders 4.
Measurements- Prove it Quizzes Unit 1 Exam = 10 Unit 2 Exam = 10 Unit 3 Exam = 10 Unit 4 Exam = 10 Prove It Quizzes (4-6)= 20 60% 5.
Performance- Lab Notebooks Important rules to remember: Your Lab Notebook is going to be used for class notes and labs. Do not tear or cut pages out. Be generous with space when doing labs that required you to record observation, draw graphs, and answer questions. Too much information is always better than not enough information. No one has ever complained about a lab notebook being too detailed. 6.
Performance- Lab Notebooks How to set up your Table of Contents The first two pages of your notebook are your table of contents. This helps you reference an assignment quickly and aids the teacher in grading. Wed/Thur every other week your lab notebooks are due. During this time lab notebooks must be in the cupboard. If your lab notebook is not in the cupboard it will only be grade when you bring it to me at 50%. 7.
Practice– Bellringer and Closure Upon entering the classroom, you will pick up your lab notebook from the cupboard, and then be seated in your assigned seat. You also will need to get out your Daily Writing from your binder. The bellringer will always be posted in the front of the classroom as you walk in. There are five days in the week and only four spaces on Daily Writing sheets, therefore a least one day a week there will be no Daily Writing. 8.
Practice– Bellringer and Closure Upon sitting down, you will have 3-5 minutes to complete the prompt. Everyday you are required to write one complete paragraph over the posted prompt. A paragraph consists of at least 4 sentences. For easy grading you will be required to number your sentences. 9.
Practice– Bellringer and Closure My science background started in elementary school (1). I remember projects and experiments like making my own bubble solution and making a volcano (2). In middle school I study simple physics and chemistry, along with earth science (3). As a freshman I took Earth Science with Mr. Lees and last year I took Biology with Mr. Dobosh (4).
Practice– Bellringer and Closure Daily Writing will be collected every other week. These dates will be posted on the calendar. I will be randomly read your entries for thoughtfulness and accuracy, but will be counting and making sure that all entries are present. If your Daily Writing is not turned in on time you will NOT receive credit. I do not accept late work in the Practice category. 10.
To think like a scientist you have to talk like a scientist. How can we practice talking like a scientist? Shoulder Partners Desk Partners Speed Dating Lab Partner Lab Tables Desk Pods