Seven Last Words
April Fools Day 1 April 2018 Easter
Genesis 3:14-15 And the Lord God said to the serpent: Cursed are you. There will be war between those who follow you and those who follow God.
He (Jesus) will bruise you on the head (fatal blow to the head). You (satan) will bruise Him (Jesus) on the heel (not fatal).
Psalm 22 vs1 My God, my God why hast those forsaken me? vs6 Despised by the people. vs8 Commit yourself to the Lord, let Him deliver you.
Psalms 22 vs12 Many bulls surround me. vs13 They open wide their mouths to sneer.
Psalms 22 vs16 Band of evildoers surround me they pierce my hands and feet vs17 They stare at me. vs 18 They divide my garments cast lost for my clothes.
Seven Last Sayings on the Cross Father forgive them Today you will be with me in paradise Behold your son; behold your mother My God, my God I thirst It is finished Father, into your hands
“Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.” Passersby People stood Rulers sneering Soldiers mocking One thief swearing
Can we crucify Jesus again? Hebrew 6:4-6 For it its impossible, in the case of those who have been once enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift; and have shared in the Holy Spirit; and have tasted the good news of the Word of God; and the powers of the age to come; and they have fallen away to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm, and holding Him up to contempt.
“fall away” and lose their salvation? Can a “believer” “fall away” and lose their salvation? If you cannot be “good enough” to get into Heaven… Can you be “bad enough” to have God erase your name from the Book of Life?
3 Interpretations of Hebrews 6:6
1st Interpretation of Hebrews 6:6 Really true believers can be bad enough to lose their salvation and not end up in Heaven after they die cannot be saved a second time!
2nd Interpretation of Hebrews 6:6 Refers to those drawn towards Christ but lose interest Not ever actually following Christ Acting like Christians Never actually “saved”
3rd and my interpretation of Hebrews 6:6 Real believers, once saved, always saved Warning to grow as a Christian Close the gap between where you are and where God wants you
Salvation Today you will be with me in Paradise Two thieves One listened to the crowd One listened to Jesus If you are the Christ He has none nothing wrong
Relationships “Behold your mother, Behold your Son.”
“My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” Abandonment “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” Psalms 22:1
“I Thirst” Psalms 69:21 “For my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink” Points to His humanity Matthew 26:28 “Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?” Reminder of Samaritan women
(Jesus doesn’t need your help!) It is finished (Jesus doesn’t need your help!) Matthew 5:17 came to fulfill the Law & Prophets John 14:6 I am the way-– period John 18:37 to witness to the truth
Tetelestai – Greek for “It is finished” Artist: My painting is finished; it is perfect. Servant to his master: “Yes, my work is done.” Priest: Old Testament sacrifices is acceptable. Merchant: “The debt is paid in full.” Judge: Justice has been served. Soldier to a vanquished foe: “You are finished.”
Dying Well
Table Sharing (Between you and God) 1. Have I asked Jesus to forgive me and come into my life? 2. Do you have the support you need to walk the way Jesus wants? 3. Do you have a small group or House Church to help you? Call Eddy or Laura 686-2131 or any House Church Leader.