Grand Unified Theories and Higgs Physics Toshifumi Yamashita (Aichi med. U.) 2013/2/15 @U. of Toyama, HPNP2013 based on : PRD84, 115016 (2011) (arXiv:1106.3229) work in progress w/ M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Tanigucji (U. of Toyama)
We may get a hint of the GUT-breaking @LHC&LC. outline GUT-breaking via Hosotani mechanism = “grand gauge-Higgs unification” K.Kojima, K.Takenaga & T.Y. (2011) SUSY version (SGGHU) natural Doublet-Triplet (DT) splitting general & testable prediction T.Y. (2011) We may get a hint of the GUT-breaking @LHC&LC. M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Taniguchi & T.Y. in progress
plan outline introduction SUSY grand GHU (SGGHU) phenomenology of SGGHU summary
126GeV excitation consistent w/ Higgs introduction The SM is now being confirmed, as an effective theory valid below TeV. What’s next?
introduction puzzles in SM charge quantization (anomaly cancellations) hierarchal parameters dark matter gen. #, quantum gravity, etc. GUT, string (SO(10), E6) flavor symm., XD Yukawa couplings Higgs mass SUSY, XD string ???
Grand Unified Theories Unification of Gauge Groups G : semi-simple Charge Quantization anomaly free Unification of Matter SU(5) SO(10) E6 + + = + + = wrong GUT relation real repr.
Grand Unified Theories Unification of Gauge Groups G : semi-simple Charge Quantization How about Higgs ? if SUSY Proton decay Doublet-Triplet (DT) Splitting Problem
SUSY-GUTs probable extension of SM Yukawa? unifications of forces and of matter charge quantization stabilization of the weak scale gauge coupling unification (GCU) Higgs? SUSY, (FCNC)? Proton decay?
SUSY-GUTs model building theoretical issues doublet-triplet splitting experimental issues wrong GUT relation (Yd = YeT) proton decay v.s. GCU (SUSY flavor problem) not easy to test GCU imposing that models reduce to (N)MSSM just restrict param. region on (N)MSSM
plan outline introduction SUSY grand GHU (SGGHU) phenomenology of SGGHU summary
We may get a hint of the GUT-breaking @LHC&LC. outline GUT-breaking via Hosotani mechanism = “grand gauge-Higgs unification” K.Kojima, K.Takenaga & T.Y. (2011) SUSY version (SGGHU) natural Doublet-Triplet (DT) splitting general & testable prediction T.Y. (2011) We may get a hint of the GUT-breaking @LHC&LC. M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Taniguchi & T.Y. in progress
Light adjoints, are predicted. SUSY grand GHU Hosotani mechanism Y. Hosotani (1983) symmetry breaking by a VEV of zero-mode of a extra dim. component of the gauge field (A5). gauge-Higgs unification low energy prediction T.Y. (2011) A5 (= adjoint Higgs) is massless @tree level, & acquires a mass of O(mSB) via loop. Its superpartners can have masses of O(mSB). Light adjoints, are predicted.
SUSY grand GHU gauge coupling unification The adjoint matters : - MSSM T.Y. (2011) gauge coupling unification The adjoint matters : - MSSM - MSSM + adj
to remain perturbative SUSY grand GHU T.Y. (2011) gauge coupling unification to remain perturbative The adjoint matters : recovered w/ ex1) additional matters for : - MSSM - MSSM + adj - MSSM + adj + add
SUSY grand GHU phenomenology of adjoints SU(3) is no longer asymptotically free, & remains strong @high energy squarks & octet become very heavy. (possible exception: the RH-stop) sleptons are also rather heavy (about 1TeV). adjoints may affect the higgs sector (in)directly. e.g. NMSSM-like contribution heavier higgs Higgs couplings are corrected at a few % level. M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Taniguchi & T.Y. in progress
plan outline introduction SUSY grand GHU (SGGHU) phenomenology of SGGHU summary
phenomenology of SGGHU M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Taniguchi & T.Y. in progress Higgs sector extended Hu, Hd + S & 2 more [CP even, CP odd, charged] modes. superpotential predictive!! no self couplings for S & & are related to the gauge couplings control the effects
phenomenology of SGGHU M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Taniguchi & T.Y. in progress RG running fix a model gauge coupling unification set solve the RGE g3 ex1) g2 g1 @ weak scale
phenomenology of SGGHU M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Taniguchi & T.Y. in progress higgs mass NMSSM-like F-term contributions @tree 150 140 130 120 110 mSUSY=2TeV SG easily obtained mh [GeV] 2 4 6 8 10 12 tanβ
phenomenology of SGGHU M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Taniguchi & T.Y. in progress charged Higgs mass 0.1 (bosons are heavy) δH± LHC may distinguish 200 300 400 500 mA[GeV]
phenomenology of SGGHU
phenomenology of SGGHU The details will be presented by Taniguchi-kun.
summary predictive!! SUSY grand GHU phenomenological study T.Y. (2011) natural doublet-triplet splitting predictive!! theoretically well motivated generally predicts light adjoint chiral matters the Higgs sector is extended, S & phenomenological study M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Taniguchi & T.Y. in progress heavier Higgs mass distinguishable charged Higgs mass a few % deviations from the SM/MSSM can be a reasonable target of the ILC
poster by Taniguchi-kun summary SUSY grand GHU T.Y. (2011) natural doublet-triplet splitting predictive!! theoretically well motivated generally predicts light adjoint chiral matters the Higgs sector is extended, S & phenomenological study M.Kakizaki, S.Kanemura, H.Taniguchi & T.Y. in progress heavier Higgs mass distinguishable charged Higgs mass a few % deviations from the SM/MSSM poster by Taniguchi-kun can be a reasonable target of the ILC