Romans Conquer Judea 6 A.D. -Rome conquers Judea (Isreal)- home of Jewish people Judea was a territory of the old kingdom of Israel After Israel fell to different kingdoms and empires, the Jews/Hebrews grew tired of being ruled by foreigners Jews believed a Messiah - a savior – would free them
Jesus of Nazareth One God Love for friends /enemies Jesus (6 B.C.) — Jew born in Bethlehem His parents fled to Egypt to escape King Herod – ordered Hebrew male babies to be put to death (prophecy) He was baptized by a prophet named John the Baptist in the Jordan River Jesus’ Teachings: One God Love for friends /enemies Repent for sins/eternal kingdom of God
A Growing Movement Apostles— The twelve men who are Disciples of Jesus At age 30, Jesus started a public ministry Preached/did good works/ performed miracles He especially wanted people to repent before the coming of the Lord – he would end wickedness in the world Apostles— The twelve men who are Disciples of Jesus Jesus ignored wealth and status - his message appeals to poor “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God” (Matthew 5:3)
Jesus’ Trial Jesus is arrested for his teachings Many Jews view Jesus as the Messiah - others see him as a heretic The Romans grew concerned when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted as “Messiah!” The Messiah would be the one to rescue the Jews and rule the eternal kingdom of God on earth Romans were worried that Jesus would try to make the Jews rise against Roman authority Jewish leaders were worried they would lose their power to Jesus’ popularity Jesus is arrested for his teachings Jesus undergoes several trials – none could find evidence of sin Jesus’ Trial
Tetelestai – “It is Finished” (John 19:28/19:30) Governor Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to be crucified Crucifixion – Being nailed to a large wooden cross Jesus was buried, rose on the third day The gospels state Jesus ascended into heaven after death Before going to heaven, Jesus went to Sheol, a part of Hell separate from torment, to free the dead from the Old Testament Jesus’ Death Tetelestai – “It is Finished” (John 19:28/19:30)
Mount Calvary / Golgotha – “The Place of the Skull”
Paul’s Mission Apostle Paul— Preaches Christianity Apostles believe Jesus ascended into heaven after death Apostles spread Jesus’ teachings – take on a different spiritual identity from Judaism Open to all converts – people didn’t have to become Jewish to be a follower of Christ because everybody’s sin was paid for by Christ Apostle Paul— Preaches Christianity Jesus – the Son of God He died for people’s sins Eternal Life after death
Persecution of Christians People who become Christians refuse to worship the Roman gods or emperor Makes them enemies of Roman rule Roman rulers use Christians as scapegoats for hard times Christians are crucified, burned, killed in arena They were called martyrs – people who are willing to die for their beliefs
Christianity’s Expansion Christianity has widespread appeal: Gives hope to the powerless Offers personal relationship with a loving God Promises eternal life after death
Christianity Is Accepted A.D. 312 – Constantine becomes Roman emperor Before battle he had dream - Has vision of the cross - Christian symbol – had soldiers place crosses on their shields Believes Christian God helped him win a war - legalized Christianity A.D. 380 – Christianity becomes religion of Empire Emperor Constantine
A World Religion – A Single Voice New Testament – Collection of Christian beliefs written by apostles New Testament added to Old Testament = Bible!!! Both make up the Bible Christians use today Apostles worked to spread the Word of Christ throughout the Roman Empire when it was legalized Beginning of Rome/Italy’s relationship with Christianity (Catholicism)