MPS Commissioning and Status Jörg Wenninger AB Department Operations group Acknowledgements to all the colleagues of the LHC MPP (Machine Protection Panel) and in particular to : B. Puccio, M. Zerlauth, B. Goddard, J. Uythoven, E. Carlier, V. Kain, S. Redaelli, B. Dehning. M. Sapinski, R. Schmidt LHC MAC November 2008
LHC Machine Protection System Devices LHC Devices LHC Devices Movable Devices BCM Beam Loss Experimental Magnets Collimator Positions Environmental parameters BTV screens Mirrors Timing SMP Software Interlocks SEQ CCC Operator Buttons Experiments Transverse Feedback Beam Aperture Kickers Collimation System FBCM Lifetime BTV MKI Beam Dumping System Beam Interlock System Safe Beam Flag Injection BIS PIC essential + auxiliary circuits WIC FMCM RF System BLM BPM in IR6 Access System Vacuum System Timing System (PM) Magnets Power Converters Doors EIS Vacuum valves Access Safety Blocks RF Stoppers Monitors aperture limits (some 100) Monitors in arcs (several 1000) QPS (several 1000) Power Converters ~1500 AUG UPS Cryo OK = systems that will be discussed
Commissioning Procedures Need for appropriate and approved commissioning procedures for MPS components. Procedures were prepared for the 2008 run, but not all of them were finished on time. Many open points of the procedures were clarified during this first commissioning campaign. Procedure review and completion started. To be finished early Spring 2009. Procedures: Powering interlock system Fast magnet current change monitors Warm magnet interlock system Beam interlock system Collimators Beam loss monitors Injection Beam dumping system Vacuum system
Beam Interlock Controller Beam Interlock System Unique Hw solution for connecting any user system (= interlock) via a copper cable. Fiber optic variant for long links (>1.2km) BIC (Beam Interlock Controller) boards embedded in VME chassis. Beam Permit Loops with Frequency signals connect the BICs with the corresponding kicker system (extraction, injection, dump). In operation at the SPS and the SPS/LHC transfer lines since 2006. Inputs are: maskable (with safe beam) unmaskable User Interfaces User Permit #1 #14 #2 Beam Interlock Controller copper cables User System #1 User System #2 User System #14 front rear Beam Loops (F.O.)
LHC Beam Interlock System BICs are distributed over the LHC Ring BICs are connected by REDUNDANT beam permit loops, two for each beam. Connected to the beam dumping system in IR6. Dedicated injection BICs are connected to the injection and SPS extraction kickers.
BIS status Sept. 10th 186 clients • • • 186 User Systems 1 CCR # Inj1 Inj2 1 Collimation (Environmental par.) o o 22 • 2 Collimation (Motor positions) 20 3 Vacuum system (“sector valves”) • • 24 Vacuum system (“X valves”) 6 4 PIC for essential circuits 16 PIC for auxiliary circuits o 5 BLM at aperture limitations* 8 BLM in arcs Fast Magnet Current Change Mon. ooo 12 7 Warm Magnets Interlock Screens 9 RF & Transverse Damper 10 Beam excursion (BPM) 11 LHC Beam Dumping system Operator Buttons 13 Programmed Beam Dump (via Timing) 14 Safe Machine Parameters 15 Fast Beam current Change Monitor (BCT) Beam Aperture Kicker 17 Injection Kicker 18 TCDQ Position o • • o 19 LHC Access Safety System ATLAS (movable device) 21 ATLAS (Detector part) ATLAS Experiment Magnet 23 ALICE (Detector part) ALICE Experiment Magnet 25 ALICE-ZDC (movable device) 26 CMS Experiment Magnet 27 CMS (Detector part) 28 TOTEM (movable device) 29 TOTEM (Detector part) 30 LHCb (Detector part) 31 LHCb (movable device) 32 LHCb Experiment Magnet 33 LHCF (Detector part) 34 MSI Convertor Sum Fault • Not Maskable / o Maskable input Total of connections 186 BIS status Sept. 10th 186 clients
BIS Commissioning Phase 1: connection of clients to the interface box and verification of link. Phase 2: validation of beam permit loops (endurance test) and optical fiber quality checks (client inputs are deactivated). Phase 3: activation of the client signals at the level of each BIC module. Phase 4: connection of the beam permit loops to the beam dumping system (September 2008). With the exception of a few missing client inputs (not ready),the BIS was fully commissioned.
Safe Machine Parameter System Generation of critical parameters (for example masking flags) + Distribution over the Timing network + Reception & Checks Safe Machine Parameters Controller Timing Generator Data sources Timing Network Clients The LHC Parameters are: Beam Energy Safe_Beam_Flags (Beam-1, Beam-2) Beam_Presence_Flag Stable_Beam_Flag Movable_Device_Allowed_in_Flag Interfaces with: - Beam Energy Tracking syst. Slow Beam Current Transf. Fast Beam Current Transf. Sequencer Management of Critical Settings Clients: - BLM Injection Kickers Experiments Extraction BIS For the LHC: only ‘Beam Energy’ was fully commissioned The SPS Parameters are : Safe_Beam_Flag Probe_Beam_Flag LHC_Beam_Flag CNGS_Beam_Flag Interfaces with: - Beam Energy Tracking syst. Beam Current Transformers Clients: - Extraction-BIS For the SPS: fully commissioned
SMP System Status Overall status: First operational version of the system (without full redundancy). No verification of the distributed information. No connection to BIS (in case of failures). SPS part: essential for safe extraction and injection. All flags implemented and tested. LHC part: Only the energy distribution could be fully tested. There was no time to test other flags with beam. >> Missing functionality will be ready for 2009.
Powering Interlocks for SC circuits (PIC) 36 PLCs for protection of the super-conducting circuits. PLC cycle time is 1 ms, beam dump in 50 msec (fast parallel path). Each PLC holds a configuration defining, for each connected circuit, if the circuit is : Essential : connection to non-maskable BIC input. Auxilary: connection to maskable BIC input. Not interlocked with beam. Power Converter QPS PC_DISCHARGE_ REQUEST PC_PERMIT PC_FAST_ABORT POWERING_FAILURE CIRCUIT_QUENCH DISCHARGE_ Profibus PLC in non-radiation area Remote I/O (close to clients) AUG UPS ABORT User Permit BIS Powering Interlock Controller I/O boards
PIC Commissioning The central PIC system functionality that is related to circuit protection was fully commissioned during the HWC phase. For beam operation the link to the BIS had to be tested: Connection PIC-BIC. Configuration data of each PIC (critical PCs, uncritical PCs). Since the configuration is complex and will change with time ( repetition of tests) it was decided to aim immediately for automated testing: Automated test sequences to trigger a powering failure of each PC. Verification of consistency of PIC and BIC signals with DB reference, storage of results in DB. >> The test sequences were implemented, tested and all interlocks were checked using those sequences in preparation for beam operation.
FMCMs FMCMs (Fast Magnet Current change Monitor) provide protection against fast magnet current changes after powering failures. Hw based on DESY version. 12 installed in the LHC, 14 in the SPS-LHC transfer lines. All FMCMs are connected to maskable inputs – lower priority. All transfer line FMCMs tested. LHC FMCMs testing started late, not ready for start of beam. Testing completed in the meantime. VME Crate + CTRP (or TG8) CPU VIPC626 Fast Magnet Current change Monitor RS422 link Power Converter BIS interface Voltage Divider & Isolation Amplifier resistive magnet
FMCM Test Example Zoom around step time Transfer line dipole PC: >> Steep step programmed into the PC reference to simulate failure FMCM interlock trigger time: DI < 0.1 A DI/I < 0.01% - specification : 0.1%
WIC : Warm Magnet Interlock System Based on Safety* PLC Collects inputs from thermo-switches, flow meters, red buttons, … Gives the Power Permit for the converter. Warm magnet Interlock Controller Beam Permit Power Converter Status info Power Permit BIS interface Several thermo-switches @ 60°C Thermoswitches Water Flow Red button… Magnet 1 Magnet 2
WIC Commissioning The WIC magnet protection functionality was fully commissioned during the HWC phase. For beam operation the link to the BIS had be tested: Connection WIC-BIC. Configuration data of each WIC. Response time. >> The WIC system was fully tested, but on a manual basis (no automated sequences).
Collimators The collimation system provides interlocks on : Jaw positions Environmental parameters (temperature) Position interlock tests sequence : Automated test sequences were implemented in the collimator software. Sequence hits 12 interlock limits (inner and outer 6 LVDTs). Sequence takes less than 5 minutes/collimator. In total 2 x 468 checks (inner/outer)
Collimators : in practice Special thanks for support by the CO/DM section. Collimators : in practice All information recorded in logging DB. Scripts to build ad-hoc plots. For the moment comparison with BIS logging is still manual to be automated. .... CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:26:10 (563255),1221611170563255,121552382,COLL#MOT-b1 (A): FALSE -> TRUE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:26:10 (563149),1221611170563149,121552382,COLL#MOT-b1 (B): FALSE -> TRUE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:26:03 (293007),1221611163293007,121545112,COLL#MOT-b1 (B): TRUE -> FALSE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:26:03 (291536),1221611163291536,121545110,COLL#MOT-b1 (A): TRUE -> FALSE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:48 (992761),1221611148992761,121530811,COLL#MOT-b1 (A): FALSE -> TRUE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:48 (992661),1221611148992661,121530811,COLL#MOT-b1 (B): FALSE -> TRUE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:39 (202643),1221611139202643,121521021,COLL#MOT-b1 (B): TRUE -> FALSE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:39 (201178),1221611139201178,121521020,COLL#MOT-b1 (A): TRUE -> FALSE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:29 (992484),1221611129992484,121511811,COLL#MOT-b1 (A): FALSE -> TRUE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:29 (992382),1221611129992382,121511811,COLL#MOT-b1 (B): FALSE -> TRUE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:20 (142231),1221611120142231,121501961,COLL#MOT-b1 (B): TRUE -> FALSE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:20 (140904),1221611120140904,121501959,COLL#MOT-b1 (A): TRUE -> FALSE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:05 (492104),1221611105492104,121487311,COLL#MOT-b1 (A): FALSE -> TRUE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:25:05 (491996),1221611105491996,121487310,COLL#MOT-b1 (B): FALSE -> TRUE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:24:56 (101951),1221611096101951,121477920,COLL#MOT-b1 (B): TRUE -> FALSE CIB.UJ33.U3.B1,False False,17 Sep 2008 02:24:56 (100520),1221611096100520,121477919,COLL#MOT-b1 (A): TRUE -> FALSE
Collimator Commissioning All collimator interlocks were tested. The position interlock sequences were launched and analyzed manually. The temperature interlocks were tested by forcing sensor readings above temperature interlock threshold (~ 400 tests). Isolated problems were found. They were (are planned to be) fixed. Overall the test were successful and the collimation system was ready for beam on September 10th.
Other Movable Devices Movable devices under machine control: All vacuum valves tested. Personnel protection beam stopper tested. All beam profile screen interlocks tested. Experiments movable devices were either not ready (roman pots, locked out) or not tested by September 19th (LHCb). >> All tests were done manually – more automation will be helpful…
BLM System Status During HWC each of the ~4000 monitors of the BLM system was tested with a radiative source to verify the entire chain from detector to the data logging: Very usefull – allow to spot isolated channel errors. Test to be improved with more robust/accurate source positioning >> This test will be repeated next year for all monitors The BLM interlocks were only activated for the start of beam operation and all channels were set as maskable for the initial low intensity beam period: Initially noise issues on some channels (cable & grounding) – fixed. The management of the complex BLM thresholds (with 12 time windows and 26 energy steps) was put in place, but was not fully operational for start of beam. The BLMs were used for aperture studies and as help for beam threading. Not enough time for detailled BLM interlock tests with beam.
BLM System : Aperture Measurements BLMs performed well and were used for aperture studies during the injection test. Online display of BLM difference signals Special thanks for support from the ABP aperture team.
First Quench with Beam : BLMs In the early morning of August 9th during the first injection test, the first beam induced quench was provoqued during ‘aperture’ probing (beam1): BLM signal (beam2 side) BLM signal (beam1 side) Bunch intensity of ~4109 p (½ nominal emittance) which is within the expected range. >> reduced the commissioning beam intensity to ~2-3109 p. In preparation of September 10th, another quench test revealed that it is possible to quench even with ~2109 protons – but very unlikely in normal operation (very large angle of incidence). M. Sapinski Preliminary results
First Quench with Beam : QPS Signal Voltage (V) across magnet Magnet recovers from the quench! Heaters fired by QPS QPS threshold Beam impact 400 ms
BLM Signals - Quenches Very different loss distributions (impact & magnet/cryostat layouts). Analysis ongoing (BLM team). Collimator Quench Quench 700m 450m
Beam Dumping System (LBDS) The LBDS is the most complex and critical component of the LHC MPS. Its commissioning started early in 2008, starting in a more or less standalone mode (simulated RF frequency, energy tracking simulator ...). The system was progressively completed and complexified all along the year, with quasi-continous controls ‚dry-runs‘. To provide realistic conditions and decouple the LBDS from the BIS commissioning, a private beam permit loop was installed locally in IR6 with a single BIC. This proved essentially to decouple LBDS and BIS commissioning. A lot of effort was invested into automated Internal Post Operational Checks (IPOC, based on LBDS data alone) and eXternal Post Operational Checks (XPOC, combining LBDS and beam instrumentation etc data). A reliability run of the LBDS system was performed with ~ 20‘000 beam1 and ~ 1500 beam2 dumps that were automatically analysed (IPOC & XPOC). The LBDS was finally connected to the BIS about one week before beam operation.
LBDS Reliability Run Statistics : Beam1 pulses ~ 20‘000 pulses for beam1 ~ 1‘500 pulses for beam2 ~5-6% 7 TeV pulses No asynchronous beam dump 1.8 month effective running time for each system. Beam1 pulses (May 2008) No critical failures were recorded. 4 kicker switch failures (one GTO disk in a stack of 10) were observed, 3 were expected. Detected at an early stage with XPOC analysis. A breakdown of dilution kickers was observed. The cause was high vacuum pressure – vacuum interlock was not active at the time (fixed). Very sucessful realibility test of the LBDS system, including the post operational checks which were essential for early detection of anomalies !!
LBDS Interlock Status I
LBDS Interlock Status II
LBDS Kickers with Beam Dump with RF off Inject, inject and dump mode No problems seen so far MKD kicker strength seems correct Requires a better controlled orbit before detailed checks. MKB dilution kicker sweep has been seen on BTVs Debunched beam extracted in a few cases Sweep checked – good agreement Inject, inject and dump mode Dump with RF off Comparison between measured & calculated sweep with debunched beam
LBDS Test Status with Beam Beam 1 (TD/UD68) Beam 2 (TD/UD62) Inject and dump setup (delay injection-dump >= 0 turns) OK Circulate and dump setup To do Dump region aperture Started (some phases) Detailed kicker synchronisation Extraction element strengths Started (corrected MSD) Beam instrumentation checks Started Interlocks (BPMSA, TCDQ, …) Sweep waveform measurement To do (parasitic looks OK) Dump protection systems setup Post Mortem and XPOC (eXternal Post Operational Check) Tracking tests Abort gap keeper (for injection kicker)
First Emergency Dump First “Emergency Dump” on Thurs 11th at 22:45:08 On 11th September 2008 during operation with circulating beam. At 22:45:08, beam 2 was dumped by the LBDS triggered by the BIS. The dump was caused by a water fault in the DC cables in the MQ circuit in sector 81. This event allowed to address the performance of the interlock / machine protection systems at a very early state, as well as to understand the functionality of the post mortem (transient data) recording
First Dump Data from Beam Interlock System Beam Dump 561.523 ms Beam Interlock Controller at IP6 received dump request - 50 s later (anti clockwise signal) - 180 s later (clockwise signal) Beam Dump 561.523 ms Beam Interlock Controller at IP8 received dump request at 561.437 ms Data from Beam Interlock System
Main Commissioning Issues Absence of dedicate machine check-out period (with all sectors ready): Difficult / impossible to perform global tests or tests involving many sub-systems – example LBDS Beam Energy Tracking System. Difficult to obtain appropriate test conditions. Not possible to finalize many tests before beam. >> ‚OK‘ because of very low intensity, but risky... Automated test sequences proved essential – need more automated testing in the future. The frequent cryogenics system stops (often due to primary services...) and the associated optimization of running with beam (before closed orbit established) implied frequent disconnection/reconnection of BIS inputs. At the time of the S34 incident we were preparing for the first real MPS commissioning with beam (BLMs, collimators, LBDS...).
Outlook 2009 Completion and review of commissioning procedures. Development of more automated test sequences, in particular for tests that need to be repeated for many components (like PCs). Integration of systematic MPS tests (pre- or post operational checks) of BIS, BLMs with the main LHC sequencer. Better online documentation of the tests: dedicated MPS elogbook, etc We plan to repeat all MPS commissioning test: push for automated sequences to test EACH component (large groups) ... rather perform than sample testing. Next year we want sufficient time allocated BEFORE circulating beam to perform all necessary tests We anticipate difficulties to re-commission BIS and LBDS due to the conflicting requirements – we are evaluating possible options.
Internal Post Operation Check BIS IPOC OK/ not OK Post Mortem Analysis (with BIS data) Internal Post Operation Check (BIS IPOC) Beam Dumped…. Pre-Operation Checks Creation of (set of) Operation checks: Pre-Operation Checks: In Stand-alone (several checks) In involving connected systems Internal Post Operation Check (IPOC) Note: Beam Operation could re-start if BIS is obviously ready and armed. Re-arming shall be allowed ONLY if all checks are OK
PIC-BIS Connection
PIC-BIS Connection To reduce the number of connections, all PIC crates in one IR are connected in series to 2 BIC modules.
BLM Signal for Injection Example of a clean injection : >> no loss detected along the machine (< 107 p) Injection Dump on TCT left side IR5
BLM Interlock Signal Activation Noisy channels had to be isolated and cured (long cables, ground loops). noise