“New Imperial Presidency” Andrew Rudalevige
Periods of the Presidency Framing Questions: Framers Debate and Design: The Framers’ debased the scope of presidential power. Unable to agree on the exact scope of executive authority, they left the language of Article II intentionally vague. Competing Visions: Madison (checked power); Hamilton (expansive power) Teddy Roosevelt (Hamilton’s vision); Taft (constitutional limited president). …
The President and the Constitution Periods of the Presidency Expanded Power Lincoln to FDR: Growing executive power LBJ and Nixon: The height of executive power Examples: New Deal War-Making (Korea War, Vietnam) Watergate …
The President and the Constitution Periods of the Presidency Diminished Power 1970-2000: A Resurgent Congress Limits Placed on the President: War Powers Resolution (1973) Congressional Budget Act (1974) Federal Election Campaign Act (1974) Intelligence Oversight Act (1976, 1977) Foreign Intell. Surveillance Act (FISA) (1978) …
The President and the Constitution Periods of the Presidency Return of Presidential Power “Prerogative Unleashed” Bush: 9/11: War on Terror Patriot Act Unitary Executive Theory NSA and Domestic Surveillance Iraq War …
The President and the Constitution Periods of the Presidency Return of Presidential Power “Prerogative Unleashed” Obama: Drones Covert Foreign Policy Domestic Surveillance …
The President and the Constitution Periods of the Presidency Return of Presidential Power “Prerogative Unleashed” Trump: Nuclear Button Threatening Tweets/Rhetoric Travel Bans The Wall …