Introduction To The 24-Hour Clock Military Time
In the health care setting, it is important that time be stated in a clear and concise way- time indicates: When treatment is to be done. When medication is to be administered. How long procedures last.
Military Time The military services were the first to use a 24-hour clock. Always expressed in four digits with no colons used to separate hours and minutes. Always use a O to complete the four-digit number-0300 instead of 300 (am hours)
State the time in hundreds – zero three hundred hours is 3:00 AM, twenty-two hundred hours 2200- is 10:00 PM The 24 hour clock eliminates confusion between AM and PM hours. AM – 0100 to 1200 PM – 1201 to 2400
To determine how 5:00 P.M. is expressed in military time, add 1200 and 0500 = 1700 hours To determine how 12 midnight is expressed in military time, add 1200 and 1200 = 2400 hours. Note: Midnight may also be written as 0000. 2400 is the highest number used because there is only 24 hours in a day.
Other ways to figure military time exist but beware different methods may have exceptions. Example: 12 pm (noon) is written as 1200. 12 am (midnight) is written as 2400 or 0000.
Greenwich Time Standard time on a 12 hour clock Includes colon ex: 1:00 Includes am or pm More commonly used by non-military/medical personnel.
Practice converting time from greenwich to military 1:00am 2:30 pm 12:00 am 12:00 pm 12:06 am 6:00pm 9:45 pm
Practice converting military to greenwich time 1730 1600 0024 1500 1254 0230 1348 1635 2249 0435 0630 0717 0930 0836
Test Your Gray Matter… Jean can have her pain medication every 4-6 hours. She had her last dose at 2 p.m. When would be the earliest she could receive another dose? 1400, 1600, 1800 or 2000. Mr. Jones was admitted to the Emergency Room at 5:30 am with chest pain. Medication for pain was administered at 5:45 am What time did he receive his medication in military time? 0530, 0545, 1530, or 1545
Johnny’s 15 year old sister was to be home from her date by 11:30 p. m Johnny’s 15 year old sister was to be home from her date by 11:30 p.m. She was 17 minutes late. What time did she arrive in military time? 2117, 2237, 2347, or 2400. If a patient received a dose of medications at 0400 and his next dose was due in 12 hours when would it be given? A patient is to receive a dose of medication at 5:30 p.m. What time is this using a 24 hour clock? 0530, 5300, 1730, or 2930
Mrs. Jones medication was to be given at 8p. m Mrs. Jones medication was to be given at 8p.m. What time was this in military time? 1600, 1700, 1900, or 2000 Greg has a dental appointment at 1600. What time does he need to be there? 4:00p.m., 3:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., or 1:00 p.m. The best advantage for using the 24 hour clock is: The army and navy use it, It eliminates confusion between am and pm, It is used in many healthcare facilities, or It is easy for HOE students to learn.
Military time must be expressed in: Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, or Millions Who first used a 24 hour clock? Aztecs, Hospital, Media, or Military Services.
Time is ticking!