Gas Utility Operations Best Practices Program August 12-14, 2014 Gas Utility Operations Best Practices Program Leak Management Detroit, MI Key Leak Management Questionnaire Results – Mike Bellman, AGA Note: The AGA Operations Best Practices Program is intended to highlight how particular companies may address a specific operational issue and may not include all of the data related to a highlighted practice. The need to implement and the timing of any implementation of highlighted practices will vary with each operator. Each operator serves a unique and defined geographic area and their system infrastructures vary widely based on a multitude of factors, including, condition, engineering practices and materials. Each operator needs to evaluate highlighted practices in light of their system variables. Not all highlighted practices will be applicable to all operators due to the unique set of circumstances that are attendant to their specific systems. Companies are not ranked through this program and no one practice is identified as the best for a particular topic. Copyright & Distribution: Copyright © 2014 American Gas Association. All rights reserved. The AGA Gas Utility Operations Best Practices Program publications are copyrighted, confidential and proprietary to AGA and only available on the member-restricted side of the AGA website. Permission to reproduce or transmit in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system any publication or portion of a publication must be obtained in writing from the AGA General Counsel’s Office, AGA Full, Limited and International Members are granted a limited license to reproduce this publication for internal business purposes but not for regulatory or civil matters.
Leak Management Best Practices Results
Leak Management Best Practices Results
Leak Management Best Practices Results
Leak Management Best Practices Results
Leak Management Best Practices Results
Leak Management Best Practices Results
Leak Management Best Practices Results The American Gas Association, founded in 1918, represents more than 200 local energy companies that deliver clean natural gas throughout the United States. There are more than 71 million residential, commercial and industrial natural gas customers in the United States, of which 92% — more than 65 million customers — receive their gas from AGA members. Today, natural gas meets almost one-fourth of the United States’ energy needs.