Latitude and Longitude A coordinate system that allows you to pinpoint your location on Earth. The system involves lines running in two directions across the earth to form a grid. You need 2 numbers to pinpoint a spot, just like on a graph.
Latitude lines are also called parallels These lines run east to west, but measure north and south of the equator. Latitude lines are also called parallels
Latitude The equator is the starting or reference line. The unit for latitude ill be N or S for north or south ex: 42oN or 68oS Latitude lines start a 0o (the equator) and end at 90oN or 90oS (the north or south pole.
Important Latitudes 90°N (North Pole) Northern Hemisphere 0° (Equator) Southern Hemisphere 90°S (South Pole)
Latitude lines are also called meridians Longitude These lines run north to south, but measure east and west of the Prime Meridian. Latitude lines are also called meridians
Longitude Longitude lines are also called Meridians. Longitude lines meet at the poles they are not parallel. Distance between lines is 0 at the poles and is greater at the equator. Longitude lines start at 0o (the Prime Meridian) and end at 180o (the International Date Line) The Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, England The International Date Line runs through the Pacific Ocean.
Important Longitudes 0° (Prime Meridian) Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere
Latitude can be found using the North Star (called Polaris) Polaris (The North Star) is located directly above the North Pole. Polaris is the only star in the sky that is not affected by earth’s rotation. Centuries ago sailors discovered that if you measure the altitude of Polaris, it tells you your exact latitude.
Latitude can be found using the North Star (called Polaris) The latitude of any point in the Northern Hemisphere is equal to the altitude of Polaris at that location So latitude is determined by the star Polaris If you move due east or due west the altitude of Polaris does not change, so neither does your latitude.
Altitude of Polaris Example #1: What latitude is this dude at? Answer: 55°N To Polaris 55° To Horizon
Altitude of Polaris Example #2: What latitude is this dude at? Answer: 42°N To Polaris 42° To Horizon