Warm-Up How can you read a map like a book?
Key Elements and Latitude and Longitude Map Skills Key Elements and Latitude and Longitude
Brainstorm! With a partner, think of at least 4 things that are part of a map.
Silently, read the passage on key map elements. Reading Time!
Map Time Together, as a class, we will create a map using all the key elements of a map.
Independent Practice Independently, complete the worksheet “Using Different Maps for Different Purposes” answering questions 1-4 completely. When you are finished, read the section on Latitude and Longitude.
Latitude and Longitude Latitude and Longitude are imaginary lines that cross the world to help us locate places. Latitude lines run from West to East (horizontally) and the main line of Latitude is the Equator which divides the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. Longitude lines from North to South (vertically) and the main line of Longitude is the Prime Meridian, which divides the Eastern and Western hemispheres and runs through Greenwich, England.
Find the Spot!
Creating Latitude and Longitude Take your paper plate and fold it in half 2. Fold it in half again 3. Fold it in half a third time 4. Unfold it, turn and repeat steps 1 -3
Creating Latitude and Longitude 4. Find the horizontal (side to side) middle line. 5. Trace it with a pen or pencil and mark it as the Equator or 0°. Equator 0°.
Creating Latitude and Longitude 6. Trace the other horizontal lines with your pen or pencil and mark them as 30°, 60°, and 90° going up from the center Equator. 7. Do the same going down from the center Equator. 90° 60° 30°
Creating Latitude and Longitude 8. Now trace the lines going up and down, marking the center as 0°, or the Prime Meridian 9. Next, label the ones going out left and right as 30°, 60°, and 90°. 90° 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° 90° 90° 60° 30°
Exit Ticket On a sticky note, list three key map elements.