The Brain
Location and Description Located inside your skull Not very large, size of a head of cauliflower Controls the body Houses your thoughts and memories Creates your feelings and emotions Not actually pink, actually a dull grey color Larger brains doesn’t necissarily mean more intelligent, depends on what part of the brain is larger
What makes up the brain? Mostly made up of neurons Neurons are cells that can transfer information to and from the brain Split into two different hemispheres, the left and right hemispheres Each hemisphere controls opposite side of body 100 billion neurons in brain Left hemisphere orientated: emphasis on reason and logic Right hemisphere orientated: emphasis on creativity and imagination
Connecting the brain to the body The brain stem connects the brain to the spinal cord The spinal cord sends messages from the brain down to the rest of the body The spinal cord is filled with interneurons, neurons that transmit information Spinal cord must be protected, protected by Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) CSF also protects the brain and brainstem Injuries to back may damage the spinal cord, and cause paralysis, make sure kids keep back safe
Three Major Types of Neurons Sensory Neurons Receives information from outside world through senses such as sight, taste, smell, and transmit them to the brain Motor Neurons Sends messages from brain to muscles to move Interneurons Transmits information from sensory neurons to the brain and from the brain to motor neurons
Major Parts of the Brain Cerebrum Cerebellum Brain Stem Most of this will be extra, most information will be in notes Use own discretion on whether these lessons should be taught
Cerebrum Largest part of the brain Allows you to move your body on your command Center of thoughts, personality, and receives information from sensory neurons Split into five major lobes that control thought and memory, sight, sound, smell, and touch and movement
Cerebellum Second largest part of brain Controls involuntary movement, or movement that is not controlled by thoughts such as breathing Also controls balance and posture Also controls spatial awareness, how we can know where things are without looking, such as bringing a spoon to one’s mouth without looking at the spoon
Brain Stem Connects brain to spinal cord Controls life supporting systems such as heart rate and digestion Also regulates sleep Also called medulla Made up of three parts, midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata