Comparative Vertebrate Physiology Communication between neurons The synapse
Synapses Types Electrical & chemical Membranes presynaptic & postsynaptic Synaptic cleft
Electrical synapse Gap junctions An all electrical event
Chemical synapse An all chemical event
Chemical synapse ion influx presynaptic binding exocytosis diffusion neurotransmitter breakdown and recycling postsynaptic binding extracellular ion influx
Postsynaptic membrane Events Ion influx (Na+, Cl-) Ion efflux (K+) Ach degradation (acetylcholinesterase) Protein channel closes
Synaptic delay 0.3 - 5.0 msec Delay caused by fusion and diffusion Reducing delay reduce pathway length reduce number of synapses Start Finish
Neurotransmitters Major categories Acetylcholine Amino acids (glutamate, aspartate, glycine) Biogenic amines (dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine)
Postsynaptic transmission EPSP: a single depolarization Na+ influx
Postsynaptic transmission IPSP: a single hyperpolarization K+ efflux or Cl- influx
Summation Temporal: PSP’s occur at different times Spatial: PSP’s occur at the same time
Neural integration Facilitation: neurons facilitate communication at the synapse using Ca++ Synaptic inhibition (pre- and post-)
Synaptic sensitivity pH Hypoxia Drugs Alkalosis leads to hyperexcitability Acidosis leads to coma Hypoxia Leads to unconsciousness Drugs Caffeine increases excitability Strychnine increases excitability Anesthetics decrease excitation