Lesson 8 – Expectations for End of Day Welcome Lesson 8 – Expectations for End of Day
Expectation for End of Day Planner Expectation for End of Day
I can explain the expectations for the end of the day. Goals for Today: I can explain the expectations for the end of the day. Talk through the goals for the day. You may even want your students to summaries what the goals for today are in their notebook.
End of Day Expectation Sort With a partner use the packet of expectations and sort under: Safety/Order Achieve Respect Today we want to go over the expectations for the end of day. Since we went over the rules and the meanings Lesson 3 you are going to be given a packet of expectations that you will have to match to the rules. You will work together with a partner or group. Once you think you have all the expectations sorted correctly call me over and I will check it. If it isn’t correct I will let you know that you will need to continue to work on it. Once you are done, leave it on your desk because we will do something with it. STUDENT ACCOMMODATION: If students are struggling to write everything down have them cut the slips out and glue under each school rule.
End of Day Expectations Safety/Order - Walk out of building at the end of day Keep your hands and feet to yourself If you leave, you may not reenter unless there is an emergency Walk out of building at the end of the day – So we don’t have anyone tripping and falling we ask that you walk. Keep your hands and feet to yourself – We don’t want any fights to happen so keep your hands and feet to yourself. If you leave, you may not reenter unless there is an emergency – Once you leave, we ask that you don’t come back in. This helps us know if the building is cleared or not. We don’t want anyone left in the building that we don’t know about. If you need something stop by the office so they can help you.
End of Day Expectations Achievement - Take home all materials for homework including planner or planner card. Remain with assigned teacher to make up work or waiting for the late bus. Take home all materials for homework including planner – It is important that you take everything you need home. If you have homework taking it hope will ensure it getting done and not be rushed. The planner is a great way to communicate what your parents what you are doing in school. Remain with assign teacher to make up work or waiting for the late bus – If you are going to stay to get extra help stay with that teacher. This will help us know where you are and ensure that you are safe. If you need to wait for the late bus wait in that designated area.
End of Day Expectations Respect Follow directions the first time Speak kindly. Follow directions the first time – Following directions will help to keep everything moving smoothly. It will get you going and the adult. Speak kindly. – Everyone wants to be respected and one way to show it is to speak kindly.
I can explain the expectations for the end of the day. Goals for Today: I can explain the expectations for the end of the day. Go back over the goals. Did you class reach the goals set for today?