TRAINING Love Italian way!
COFFEE WORLDWIDE Already popular in Arab world in 13th Century Spread in the West through Venice in 18th Century Today 90% of world adult population drinks every morning 1.5 billion cups! Second most traded commodity after oil! Traded in New York (Arabica) and London (Robusta)
MAIN ORIGINS OF COFFEE In million 60kg bags, 2005 Brazil 33.0 Colombia 11.6 Vietnam 11.0 Indonesia 6.8 India 4.6 Ethiopia 4.5 Mexico 4.2
PRODUCTION OF COFFEE Harvest Roasting Blending Grinding Packing • pick the cherries (berries) • separate beans from pulp through drying • beans roasted at 200°-240°C • mix varieties to get optimum flavors • grinding for ground coffee
TYPES OF COFFEE Arabica (Coffea Arabica) 75% - Bean is flatter and longer than Robusta, the furrow is curved - 1.2% caffeine - Sweeter and more aromatic than Robusta - More delicate plant, smaller than Robusta - More delicate flavor - Grows between 3000-6000 feet, 65°-75°F Robusta (Coffea Robusta) 25% - 2.2% caffeine - More body than Arabica - Taller and tougher than Arabica - Grows in lower, hotter and more humid areas
COFFEE PREPARATION Infusion - Boil ground coffee with hot water Filter - Mostly US and N. Europe - Water passes through filter with ground coffee, - Extracts upto 18% of coffee substance - Contact coffee – water : 6-8 minutes Instant - "Fast Food" of coffee (Nescafe) Moka - Most common in Italy for home espresso - Device extracts upto 22% of coffee substance. - Contact coffee – water : about 1 minute Espresso - Best system for espresso in HoReCa - Machine extracts 25% of coffee substance - Contact coffee – water : 25 – 30 seconds
COFFEE THE ITALIAN WAY Italians drink coffee as espresso Espresso along with pasta, pizza and gelato is Italian symbol Espresso is in fact a Neapolitan specialty Kimbo is from Naples
ESPRESSO CHARACTERISTICS 7 – 7.2 grams ground coffee Hot water 90-95°C High pressure 9 atmospheres 30ml espresso • Aroma • Body • Cream Note: • Aroma : richness of the espresso aroma • Body : strength, ‘body’ of the espresso, can only get in espresso way • Cream : froth on top, keeps volatile aromas from escaping
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ESPRESSO AND OTHER COFFEE PREPARATIONS Coffee and water are in contact for much less time (30 seconds vs 6-8 minutes in filter) Maximum level of substance extracted, 25% vs 18% for filter Less caffeine than other preparations (less contact time) Italian – Neapolitan way!
ESPRESSO BASED RECIPES Cappuccino : espresso, 80 – 100ml frothy hot milk, cocoa powder Caffé Latte : 150ml hot milk added to espresso in glass Caffé Macchiato : espresso with 10ml frothed milk (like strong cappuccino) Ristretto : stronger than regular espresso (one ounce from single shot) • Lungo : much stronger than regular espresso (two ounces)
THE 4 MS OF GOOD ESPRESSO Miscela – blend different beans from around the world to obtain balance between taste and aroma – roasted too dark will give burnt taste, too light gives less body and tastes more acid Machina – proper use of espresso machine (pressure, maintenance, etc.) Maccinino – correct grinding to allow good coffee – water contact to dissolve soluble particles – if too fine, coffee will be too compact, if too coarse, not enough contact surface Mano – good hand to properly prepare!
KIMBO GROUP Rubino family start in 1950 Cafe do Brasil founded 1963 in Melito (Napoli) Market leader in campania region Kimbo name created in 1971 Kimbo goes national in 1980 Second largest coffee roaster in Italy
KIMBO PRODUCT PORTFOLIO Retail (250 gram ground) Sds Copy Paste P HoReCa Food Service Vending Home & Office
KIMBO FOOD SERVICE RANGE - HORECA Kimbo Black Top Quality Kimbo Blu Aroma di Napoli Kimbo Gold Miscela Italia Kimbo Marrone Cream Italia Kimbo Crema Dolce Espresso Kimbo Azzurro Aroma Italia Packing 1000g bag 3kg drum 1000g bag 3kg drum 1000g bag 1000g bag 1000g bag 1000g bag Beans 100% Arabica 100% Arabica 85% Arabica 15% Robusta 100% Arabica 75% Arabica 83% Arabica Roast Dark Light Medium Light Medium Medium Note: • Italian law prohibits writing the % of Arabica unless it is 100% • Where we indicate 100% it is in fact over 95% Arabica
KIMBO FOOD SERVICE HOME/OFFICE • Convenient, no need to grind • Portion control • Caffeine free can be offered to HoReCa Pods • Not as ‘tight’ as Pod, otherwise looks the same • To make ‘lungo’ Pads • Ground coffee in pouches for portion control and to avoid grinding • For HoReCa, will be cheaper than using Pods / Pads in sachets Pouches
KIMBO POS MATERIALS Item Code Item Pieces per box Product to purchase in Kg Between 900316 Coffee cup with saucer (porcelain) 6 11 - 13 900317 Cappuccino cup with saucer (porcelain) 16 - 20 900318 Coffee stackable cup with saucer (porcelain) 900319 Cappuccino stackable cup with saucer (porcelain) 900286 Coffee cup with saucer (glass) 900287 Cappuccino cup with saucer (glass) 900294 Small coffee glasses 12 19 - 24 900280 Coffee spoons 6 - 7 900047 Paper coasters 3000 10 - 12 900227 Plastic napkins holder 1 2 - 3 900060 Paper napkins (100 pcs) 30 900171 Plastic sticks (10,000 pieces) 50 - 62 900157 Plastic coffee cups (80") 4200 54 - 67 900158 Plastic cappuccino cups (165") 43 - 54 900108 Internal lightly sign "KIMBO" 72 - 90 900289 External lightly sign "KIMBO" 75 - 94 900267 Mouse pad (300 pieces) 300 14 - 17 900215 Wall clock "KIMBO" 15 - 19 Historical Cup 22 - 27 Note: Above calculation is valid for following items Item No : 014032, 014132,014232, 014301,014233,014334
KIMBO AROUND THE WORLD % of espresso market Benelux 9 22 Australia 13 Sweden 9 France and Greece 8 Germany, Canada and Japan 4 US 3.5
Un buon caffé deve avere quattro qualità: Nero come il diavolo Caldo come l’inferno Puro come un angelo Dulce come l’amore
APPENDIX : HOW TO DIAGNOSE ESPRESSO DEFECTS Crema doesn’t hold Crema too dark