Explore the many benefits and different ways of using Lifelites equipment.
At Lifelites, we like to think of the equipment we donate to children’s hospices, not as pieces of technology, but more as magical enablers that give all children fantastic opportunities to play, to be creative, to communicate, to learn and develop and to express themselves. These sessions will allow us to focus on particular pieces of equipment - look at what they offer and explore different ways of using them to achieve remarkable impacts and results with the very special children and young people you work with.
IPads are so versatile and their size and portability make them perfect for use in so many settings and situations and have really opened up the opportunity for using technology outside the hospices by Hospice at Home teams. Touchscreens are so intuitive to use and the range of apps available means they can be used for games, creative activities such as music, art and film making, as well as communication and much more.
Beamz is a fabulous interactive and inclusive music making system. Beamz is designed so that any one, regardless of age or ability level, can actively participate in making music. In addition to the sheer pleasure of playing music and creating original song mixes, Beamz can be used in very specific ways to target skill development or extend physical and cognitive development. Beamz software is totally accessible, meaning if your user requires the use of a switch, adapted keyboard, touch surface, an eye gaze or other, it’s built in to the software. Beamz is so much fun and so it creates an opportunity for sharing a mutually enjoyable experience across ages and ability levels.
Take few minutes to discuss in your groups and jot down on the sheets provided, what are the main barriers that prevent you and other staff from using the Lifelites equipment it’s full potential? We are going to look at solutions later so just focus on the barriers themselves for now. Give the groups 10 mins to discuss Ask them to feedback a group at a time.
Being Creative – both the Ipads and Beamz can allow the user to express themselves creatively but also I am interested and always inspired at how creative hospice staff are at utilising the technology for fun and imaginative activities and play. Here you can see Craig from Martin House in Yorkshire who uses a communication app on the iPad to communicate with his family and carers – he has a special folder called “Craig’s corny Jokes”. This is a Jessie May nurse using a sensory app with Isabella whilst she is on a blood dialysis machine at hospital.
Have you got this equipment? What is your favourite thing about it? In groups: Have you got this equipment? What is your favourite thing about it? Which children have you used this with – share some information about their ages, their abilities/disabilities and conditions and what was the impact. How have you used the equipment most often – what games/activites/location etc What is stopping you using the equipment more? What could you do about it? Discuss the following points and then: Complete the worksheets and be prepared to feedback to the rest of the group. What are the main activities you use/could use the Ipad for? What are the benefits/positive outcomes of using the ipads? What are the main activities you use/could use the BEAMZ for? What are the benefits/positive outcomes of using the BEAMZ? 10 mins and then feedback
Caroline Jellyman – Training Manager training@lifelites.org 07766 727 671 Katherine Bentley – Trainer kbentley@lifelites.org 07557441476 Lifelites Technical Support Services techsupport@lifelites.org 07833 251 755 If you need any specific help or support to get the most from your equipment please give us a call – we are always pleased to help. (session 1) The next session is in the other room, so please make your way to the other room asap for the VR session. (session 2) We are now going to have a short break so please have a drink and a stretch and then come back to this room for the next session at 3.30pm.
info@lifelites.org www.lifelites.org 0207 440 4200 Twitter.com/LifelitesOrg Facebook.com/Lifelites