Bell Ringer Open your student workbook and turn to pages 22 and 23. Answer each questions with a True or False. DO NOT FILL OUT THE EXPLAIN FOR EACH QUESTIONS.
Unit 2 – Violence and Injury Prevention Lesson 9: Preventing Suicide
Healthy Behavior Outcomes Manage interpersonal conflict in nonviolent ways. Get help for oneself or others who are in danger of hurting themselves.
Lesson Objectives Explain that self-directed violence is the result of an accumulation of multiple problems rather than just one problem. Describe healthy strategies for dealing with troublesome feelings. Identify warning signs of suicide. Summarize why it’s important to tell an adult if there are people who are in danger of hurting themselves.
Turn to page 21 in your student workbook.
Keeping My Emotional Balance Positive Feelings Excitement Pride Love Joy or happiness Relief Surprise Accomplishment Confidence Optimism Troublesome Feelings Sadness Disappointment or shock Shame Fear Grief Anger or Rage Envy or jealousy Pessimism
Summary All of the strategies on the list you just created can help you keep your emotional balance in life. Troublesome feelings are difficult, but even the positive feelings or good things that happen in life can be stressful or cause a sense of pressure. Using strategies to help keep your emotional balance on a regular basis can help keep you from feeling as if you are on an emotional see-saw.
Summary Life is not always easy for young people. We all have things that are important to us, things we value and things we enjoy. It is important to know how to recognize and deal with anything that could threaten or take away the chance you and your friends have to live a full life and become the people you are meant to be.
What do you think some warning signs of suicide thoughts might be?
Summary Being alert to these warning signs can help you step in and offer support before it is too late to help. Because suicide thoughts can build over time, knowing the warning signs can be very important.
What are some barriers or things that could stand in the way of teens getting help for themselves if they are having suicide thoughts? What are some barriers or things that could stand in the way of teens getting help for a friend who is showing warning signs of suicide thoughts?
Summary When people who are overwhelmed by strong emotions, in denial, or really worried about a friend, things may not be so clear. The keys to preventing suicide are allowing others to help you when you need it, not giving up on someone who needs help, and knowing where to go to get help.
What can teens do to help prevent suicide?
Summary Things you can do to help prevent suicide: Learn strategies for keeping your emotional balance. Separate myths from facts about suicide. Know the warning signs. Recognize the need for help. Get help for yourself or others.
Why is it important to tell a trusted adult if someone is in danger of hurting himself or herself?
Summary Telling a trusted adult is often the best step. This might be your parents, a teacher, counselor or school nurse. Suicide thoughts are the result of many problems that have been building up over time, and a person who is having them requires professional help.
Share with each other one thing you learned during this lesson that made sense to you about understanding and preventing suicide.