AfriGEOSS Initiative: Strengthening Use of EO and Bringing GEOSS to Africa SANSA CEOS WGCapD-7 São Jose dos Campos Brazil 6 – 8 March 2018
AfriGEOSS Implementation 2013 Launch 2014 SADC Ministers STI & ET EU-Africa Summit Implementation Plan Steering Committee +2 Member & PO 2015 AMCOMET-3 AU STC-EST +3 Members DICT 2016 26th AU Summit 1st Steering Committee Meeting 1st AfriGEOSS Symposium AfriGAM SFS CT 2017-2019 WP +1 EXCOM +1 PO EO in ADIRC 2017 WRM CT SUD CT 2nd AfriGEOSS Symposium 1st Training Programme +2 PO AfriGEOSS is now entering its 7th year, growth and progress is measured through: Community growth Improved coordination through establishment of Coordination Teams and their activeness Recognition by Ministerial Summits, such as the SADC S&T Ministers, African Union Meteorology Ministers etc. and the African Union Heads of State through the African Space Policy and Strategy The Symposiums which more and more allow for user engagement and better definition of user requirements. 2012 Endorsed by GEO-Plenary
AfriGEOSS Action Areas The AfriGEOSS Implementation Plan identified 6 Action Areas, namely …. These also align and aim to support the African countries in their implementation, monitoring and reporting on the SDGs.
Africa Land Cover Inventory An example of the product developed from the work done by the Working Group on Land Cover for Africa. NASA is supporting this activity through Senegal to deliver an online inventory.
Africa Resources in the GEOSS Portal RCMRD TAMSAT SAEON UNEP CIESIN FAO Iris Ispra ISRIC Pangaea German GEO Portal IGAD-MESA ……more In Progress: IGAD ICPAC, OSS, AGRHYMET, Kenya OpenData Resource Providers for a total of 22’545’037 resources The work on data & infrastructure is still crucial and AfriGEOSS is continuing to work with the GEO GCI (GEOSS Common Infrastructure) team to ensure African hosted resources are discoverable in the GEOSS.
The Symposium was a major event last year, hosted by the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) in Ghana. We acknowledge the tremendous support received from SERVIR West Africa in terms of ensuring participation of the West African countries – the SERVIR West Africa hubs. 5 – 15 June 2017, Sunyani, Ghana
AfriGEOSS Training Software Carpentry Google Earth Engine Sentinel Data Access & Processing Tools Outcome: identified participants to undergo training of trainers course 2-day training sessions held the week before the Symposium. Great support received from USAID NASA SERVIR West Africa and European Space Agency.
2018 AfriGEOSS Symposium Week of 25 June 2018 AGEOS has graciously availed itself to host the 3rd annual AfriGEOSS Symposium The programme will be similar to 2017 Symposium in the sense that the week before the Symposium is dedicated to trainings and workshops. There is interest to host workshops on Water, Urban development, Coastal and Marine as well as Forestry. The website and logistics are underway.