How many of the key words can you identify? Complete your table… Key term Definition The point where a river starts. It is usually at high altitude with low temperatures and plenty of precipitation. A small stream that joins a larger river. The point where two rivers meet. The point where a river meets the sea. The boundary of a river basin. A steep drop in the course of the river caused by an area of soft rock underlying an area of hard rock. This type of weathering occurs when water freezes in cracks in rocks and expands over night to widen the crack. The repetition of this process causes the rock to break up into smaller pieces. This type of weathering occurs when seeds fall into cracks in the rock and the roots of plants break the rock up. Burrowing animals can also be responsible for this type of weathering. This type of erosion occurs when sand and pebbles that are carried in the river wear away at the bed and banks. How many of the key words can you identify? Complete your table…
Now test each other on the key words…. This type of erosion occurs when chemicals in the river dissolve certain rock types, such as chalk and limestone. This type of erosion occurs from the sheer force of the water in the river crashing against the bed and banks. This type of erosion occurs when small pebbles and rocks collide within the river and become smaller and rounder. A sweeping bend in the course of a river. A large flat area either side of the river. This area tends to be very fertile. This type of engineering is usually expensive and involves major construction work to reduce the rate of erosion. This type of engineering is usually cheaper and works with the coastline to reduce the rate of erosion. A semi-circular area of water formed when a meander has cut through and taken a shorter route to the sea. Now test each other on the key words….
In the back of your books define the terms….. Hydraulic action Abrasion Mass movement Slumping Soil creep Hard engineering Soft engineering
Rivers Revision Lesson Objective: To revise all work covered on Rivers Keywords: Describe Explain Landforms Erosion Deposition Hard Engineering Soft Engineering Rivers Revision Lesson Objective: To revise all work covered on Rivers Learning Challenge: Can you identify how to answer level marked questions and make use of case studies?
Flood or Storm Hydrograph Abrasion Attrition Channel Cross Profile Discharge Drainage Basin Flood or Storm Hydrograph Floodplain Solution Floods Gorge Long profile Hydraulic Action Impermeable Waterfall Load Meander Oxbow Lake
River Processes Look, cover, check!
Exam Style Question
Exam Style Question
Exam Style Question
Exam Style Question
Exam Style Question
Exam Style Question
Exam Style Question
What do you still need to work on? Moment of Reflection What do you still need to work on?