Journal #3: Newspeak Dictionary Explain Newspeak and its purpose for the Party in 1984. How can language be used to oppress people in the real world? Do you think that it would be possible to make subversive thoughts impossible? Explain. Try and explain “doublethink.” Would it be hard to live like this?
Keep Track of Newspeak words on the chart I’ve given you and attach it to journal #3.
Journal #3: Newspeak Dictionary https://www. youtube. com/watch
With a partner try and create messages using only emojis that express these ideas: “The protest is at City Hall, bring masks and spray paint.” “Revolution against the US Government!” “Long live the rebellion!” or “Burn Skyline HS to the ground” (don’t actually do it) “Lets replace Smith with an audiobook and real adult.”
Reflection Besides [hopefully] being fun, what did you think about creating subversive messages with emojis? Was it hard? What would be the potential impact if a new law made emojis the only form of digital communication?
Briefly Answer the Following Questions Section One part 6: 1. Why does the Party want to remove pleasure from sex? 2. How does a couple get married in Oceania? 3. What kind of marriage does Winston have? Why does he live alone? Section One part 7: 4. What does Winston think are the only characteristics of Party life? 5. What is the significance of the picture showing the three men at the social function in New York? 6. What is life like for the proletariats? 7. What is the significance of this passage? “In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.”
Section 1 Chapter 6 1. Why does the Party want to remove pleasure from sex? 2. How does a couple get married in Oceania? 3. What kind of marriage does Winston have? Why does he live alone?
Section 1 Chapter 7 What is the Party’s attitude towards the Proles? 2. Is there any attempt to convert the proles to Party ideology? Why? 3. What does Winston think are the only characteristics of Party life? 4. What is the significance of the picture showing the three men at the social function in New York? 5. What is life like for the proletariats?
Section 1 Chapter 7 In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. 6. What is the significance of this passage?