HEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION Directions: To advance to next slide click left mouse button, to view previous slide click the right mouse button.
Health Insurance Sanford Health through NDPERS Effective 1st of month following date of employment Cards will be mailed to your home Two options, Dakota Plan and High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) Dakota Plan $ 1,240.82 per month Single/Family Premium paid by UND High Deductible Health Plan $ 1,240.82 per month Single/Family paid by UND ─ Actual premium is less than Dakota Plan ─ Remaining portion goes into a Health Savings Account for the employee to use to pay out -of-pocket medical expenses The UND health insurance provider is Blue Cross & Blue Shield of ND. UND Pays $981.68 per month for a single or family policy. Coverage is effective the 1st of the month following the month of employment. Your insurance cards will be mailed to your home from the Fargo Blue Cross Office. 38
Health Insurance Eligibility Benefited employee, spouse & dependents Must enroll within 31 days of employment or 31 days of involuntary loss of other health insurance or wait for open enrollment period Dependents are covered until age 26 Married dependents are not eligible to enroll their spouse or children If you are claimed as a dependent on someone else’s taxes, are covered by Medicare or a Flexible Spending Account, you are not eligible to enroll in a High Deductible Health Plan. The Human Resource website contains all the position openings (both internal/external and NDUS positions), as well as the NDUS HR policy manual, all the forms that you may need, the Faculty Handbook and a lot more information. Please make time to review the website and in particular, review the NDUS HR policy manual so that you are familiar with the policies and procedures that are followed here on campus. 35
Out of Pocket Expenses
Health Savings Account (HSA) Your Health Savings Account allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for qualified medical expenses for yourself, your spouse and your dependents. HSA’s are available only to those employees who are enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) Enrollment is automatic with selection of HDHP Contributions are tax-free Earnings are tax-free Withdrawals are tax free when made for eligible medical expenses Balances can be carried over from year to year. The Use It Or Lose It rule does not apply HSAs are portable if you change jobs The Human Resource website contains all the position openings (both internal/external and NDUS positions), as well as the NDUS HR policy manual, all the forms that you may need, the Faculty Handbook and a lot more information. Please make time to review the website and in particular, review the NDUS HR policy manual so that you are familiar with the policies and procedures that are followed here on campus. 35
Contributions to an HSA NDPERS will make monthly employer contributions totaling $921.60/year for single coverage and $2,230.56/year for family coverage You may make additional contributions to fund your account at any time Contribution limits for 2017 are $3,400.00 for single and $6,750.00 for family Sanford Health , the HSA Plan Administrator, will send information to you on how to make additional contributions, access your HSA account and how to submit claims for reimbursement The Human Resource website contains all the position openings (both internal/external and NDUS positions), as well as the NDUS HR policy manual, all the forms that you may need, the Faculty Handbook and a lot more information. Please make time to review the website and in particular, review the NDUS HR policy manual so that you are familiar with the policies and procedures that are followed here on campus. 35
Which Plan is Right for You? Detailed information regarding the Dakota Plan, HDHP and HSA is available at: NDPERS website at Click on the active member link on the left side of the page Contact Sanford Health at 877-737-7730 The Human Resource website contains all the position openings (both internal/external and NDUS positions), as well as the NDUS HR policy manual, all the forms that you may need, the Faculty Handbook and a lot more information. Please make time to review the website and in particular, review the NDUS HR policy manual so that you are familiar with the policies and procedures that are followed here on campus. 35
Wellness - Health Club Credit Employees and their eligible spouse can earn up to a $20 credit monthly for visiting a participating health club a minimum of 12 days a month Must have insurance contract number to sign up Must enroll & renew online each January Ask at your local health club if they participate Employees and their eligible spouse can earn points toward incentive prizes in this online program. Sanford Health will send information regarding sign up The Human Resource website contains all the position openings (both internal/external and NDUS positions), as well as the NDUS HR policy manual, all the forms that you may need, the Faculty Handbook and a lot more information. Please make time to review the website and in particular, review the NDUS HR policy manual so that you are familiar with the policies and procedures that are followed here on campus. 35
Contact Information Contact Sanford Health regarding health insurance cards & specific coverage /claim questions at 800-499-3416 Contact the Payroll Office: Phone: 701-777-2158 Email: The Human Resource website contains all the position openings (both internal/external and NDUS positions), as well as the NDUS HR policy manual, all the forms that you may need, the Faculty Handbook and a lot more information. Please make time to review the website and in particular, review the NDUS HR policy manual so that you are familiar with the policies and procedures that are followed here on campus. 35