Chapter 11 Power and Political Behavior Copyright ©2017 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
What is Power Power Zone of indifference Ability to influence another person Influence: Affecting the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of another person Authority: Right to influence another person Power Range in which attempts to influence a person will be: Perceived as legitimate Acted on without a great deal of thought Zone of indifference
Interpersonal Forms of Power Based on an agent’s ability to control rewards that a target wants Reward power Based on an agent’s ability to cause an unpleasant experience for a target Coercive power Based on position and mutual agreement Legitimate power Based on interpersonal attraction Referent power Exists when an agent has specialized knowledge or skills that the target needs Expert power
Power: Compliance or Effectiveness Compliance: Focused on doing things right (management) Reward, Coercive, Legitimate power Least effective but most often used my managers Effectiveness: focused on doing the right thing (leadership) Referent, expert power Develop through interpersonal relationships with employees
Which Power Is Most Effective? Expert Power! Strongest relationship to performance & satisfaction Transfers vital skills, abilities, and knowledge within the organization Employees internalize what they observe & learn from managers they consider “experts” 5
Criteria for Power-Related Behavior to be Considered Ethical Outcome of the behavior should be good for people inside and outside the organization Utilitarian outcomes Respecting the rights of all individuals Individual rights Treating all individuals with respect Distributive justice
Positive versus Negative Power Used to create motivation or to accomplish group goals Positive face of power Characteristics Belief in the authority system Preference for work and discipline Altruism and belief in justice Social power Used for personal gain Negative face of power Personal power
How to spot an asshole (Sutton, 2007) After talking to the alleged asshole, does the ‘target” feel oppressed, humiliated, de-eneergized, or belittled by the person? In particular, does the target feel worse about him or herself? Does the alleged asshole aim his or her venom at people who are less powerful rather than at those people who are more powerful? (Kiss up, kick down)
Social power Create motivation or accomplish group goals Best managers have a high need for social power coupled with a relatively low need for affiliation They want to do good for all of their employees, not just the ones that are their buddies
Kanter’s Symbols of Power Intercede for someone in trouble Obtain placements for favored employees Exceed budget limitations Procure above-average raises for employees Place items on meeting agendas Access to early information Have top managers seek out their opinion Common Theme: Doing things for others 11
Kanter’s Symbols of Powerlessness Top Executives budget cuts punishing behaviors top-down communications Staff Professionals resistance to change turf protection Managers assign external attribution - blame others or environment First-line Supervisors overly close supervision inflexible adherence to rules do job rather than train Key to overcoming powerlessness: share power and delegate decision making 12
Korda’s Power Symbols Furnishings Time Access 13
Political Behavior in Organizations Use of power and influence in organizations Organizational politics Actions not officially sanctioned by an organization Taken to influence others in order to meet one’s personal goals Political behavior
Political Skill One’s ability to carry out tasks Using their favorable interpersonal relationships Outside what is formally prescribed by the organization Should be considered in hiring and promotion decisions Buffers the negative effects of stressors Leads to a positive effect on team performance, trust, and support for the leader One’s ability to carry out tasks Social astuteness Interpersonal influence Networking ability Sincerity Dimensions
11.2 Influence Tactics Used in Organizations
11.2 Influence Tactics Used in Organizations (continued 1)
11.2 Influence Tactics Used in Organizations (continued 2)
Film Clip: Elizabeth What type of power could Elizabeth have used – reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, expert? What type of power did she use? Watch for the influence tactics consultation, ingratiation, rational persuasion, inspirational appeals
Managing Political Behavior Recognize the behavior Use open communication Clarify performance expectations Use participative management Encourage cooperation among work groups Manage scarce resources well Provide a supportive organizational climate
© 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Perception Of Politics Psychological Strain Morale Job Satisfaction Affective Commitment Turnover Intentions Performance Task OCB + - Chang, C., Rosen, C., Levy, P. 2009. AMJ, 52(4): 779-801 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Managing Up: The Boss
Managing Up: The Boss SOURCE: Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business Review. From “Managing Your Boss,” by J. J. Gabarro and J. P. Kotter, (May–June 1993): p. 155. Copyright © 1993 by the Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation; all rights reserved. 20
Empowerment creating conditions for heightened motivation through the development of a strong sense of personal self-efficacy 21
Four Dimensions of Empowerment Meaning Competence Self- determination Impact