2018-2019 School Year changes for lep-indicator-code Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. 2018-2019 School Year changes for lep-indicator-code April 2018 Presented by: Melissa Lemons
LEP Exit Monitoring- Background Since the 2008-2009 school year, LEAs have been reporting student level information on former LEP students in their first and second year of post-LEP status monitoring. The post-LEP monitoring data was collected under the specific reporting requirements of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, and the requirements for LEA implementation are defined by Texas Education Code (TEC) 29.063, TEC 29.0561, and Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 19 TAC §89.1220(l). Effective with the 2016-2017 school year, the NCLB act was re- adopted as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
LEP Exit Monitoring- Background ESSA allows states to monitor a post-LEP student for up to four years following the exit school year. Currently, LEAs monitor an enrolled LEP student for two years after exiting the LEP program. The TEA is exercising the option under ESSA to collect data on enrolled exited LEP students for an additional two years starting in the 2018-2019 school year and will include this information in the student performance results data for LEAs and campuses.
LEP Exit Monitoring- Background The LEP Exit Monitoring years 3 and 4 will be used in calculating results for the Closing the Gap domain (HB 22) which will be beneficial to LEAs in their accountability ratings. Current research shows positive trends for students exited from LEP status.
C061 – LEP-INDICATOR-CODE Code Table LEP Indicator Codes “3” and “4” are added to code table C061 – LEP-INDICATOR-CODE. Code Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Updated C061 LEP-INDICATOR-CODE TX-LEPIndicatorType 4/10/1989 12/1/2017 Translation Not LEP 1 Identified As Limited English Proficient (LEP) F Student Exited From LEP Status - Monitored 1 (M1) – student has met criteria for bilingual/ESL program exit, is no longer classified as LEP in PEIMS, and is in his or her first year of monitoring as required by 19 TAC §89.1220(l) and is not eligible for funding due to the fact that he or she is not LEP S Student Exited From LEP Status - Monitored 2 (M2) – student has met criteria for bilingual/ESL program exit, is no longer classified as LEP in PEIMS, and is in his or her second year of monitoring as required by 19 TAC §89.1220(l) and is not eligible for funding due to the fact that he or she is not LEP 3 Student Exited from LEP Status - Monitored 3 (M3) - student has met criteria for bilingual/ESL program exit, is no longer classified as LEP in PEIMS, and is in his or her third year of monitoring as permitted by ESSA, 1111(b)(3)(B) and is not eligible for funding due to the fact that they are not LEP 4 Student Exited from LEP Status - Monitored 4 (M4) - student has met criteria for bilingual/ESL program exit, is no longer classified as LEP in PEIMS, and is in his or her fourth year of monitoring as permitted by ESSA, 1111(b)(3)(B) and is not eligible for funding due to the fact that they are not LEP
Q&A Question: Is the reporting of the new LEP exit monitoring codes retroactive? Answer: Yes. For example, if a student is reported as a LEP Indicator Code “S” in the 2016-2017 school year, the student would be reported with a LEP Indicator Code of “4” in the 2018-2019 school year.
Q&A Question: How is a student reported in the 2018-2019 school year if their LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is an “S” in the 2017-2018 school year? Answer: The student will be reported with a LEP-INDICATOR- CODE of “3” in the 2018-2019 school year.
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