swingo XP Firmware, Service Tool & Error Codes Floorcare Equipment swingo XP Firmware, Service Tool & Error Codes
Firmware – Function Function The firmware set is a package of several software elements => Firmware SET Boot Loader only in V3.08 BDM Dashboard software SLM Power Electronics software Parameter Software package Power Electronics Dashboard Remark Boot loader X Only in V3.08 BDM SLM Parameter
Firmware – Firmware Set The firmware set version is indicated by a version number Different firmware families are not compatible E.g. V 3.21 The firmware provides all required information to the hardware Software routines Parameter settings Position Number Firmware family 3 Version no. 21
Firmware - History History Firmware Version Issue Date Updates Reference V 3.08 April 2007 Machine launch Technical Manual swingo XP V 1.0 V 3.17 Aug. 2007 Battery indicator Threshold, edge or ramp driving behaviour Driving behaviour straight-on driving Firmware set GTS N2007/16 V 3.21 March 2009 Reduction of E041 GTS N2009/04 V 3.32 Aug. 2009 Brush lowering routine Download procedure GTS N2009/11 V 3.34 July 2010 Adjustment of steering Current peaks reduced detection GTS N2010/10 V 3.35 Aug. 2010 Adjustment of values for components GTS N2010/12
Firmware - Handling Handling GTS make firmware updates available through E-mail to TCS manager Update of e-spares/documents/software New firmware should be distributed to technicians Old firmware should be replaced on technician computers Machine updates should be done during the next visit. No pro-active visits to update machines except: Issue on machine can be resolved Instructed by GTS to do so Power electronics & dashboard was replaced and do not have the same firmware version
Service Tool – Service Tool The Service Tool shall support the technical service to improve the efficiency The actual Service Tool is developed to be used on different machine types e.g. swingo 1650, swingo XP, etc The Service Tool connects the machine with the computer and enables following actions: Preset of machine Read out data Change parameters Upload new firmware Read out error codes
Service Tool - History History Service Tool Version Issue Date Updates Reference V 1.00 April 2007 Machine launch Technical Manual swingo XP V 1.00 V 1.01 Aug. 2007 Communication profile update Technical Manual swingo XP V 1.10 V 2.00 March 2008 Implementation swingo 1650 Technical Manual swingo 1650 V 1.00 V 3.00 Sep. 2009 Implementation swingo 755B Power, 855B, 1255 B TASKI Service Tool Manual V1.00 V 3.02 Nov. 2009 Control of firmware download V 4.03 Sep. 2010 Implementing swingo 350B Working with windows 7 Adjustment of window for net books TASKI Service Tool Manual V1.20
Service Tool Installation First the USB driver for the machine has to be installed The machine has to be available (drivers are different to machine types) Administrator rights required The Service Tool and _temp.xml has to be copied to the same folder Recommended to create short cut to desktop
Service Tool - Handling GTS make Service Tool updates available through Technical machine documentation Update of e-spares/documents/software New Service Tool should be distributed to technicians Old Service Tools should be replaced on technician computers
Demo Service Tool System Overview Service Download Teach-In Systemtest
Error Codes Error Codes General Error code list
Error Codes Error Codes Error codes are a feedback from the machine for a certain changing condition Some error codes inform about interaction of the machine to protect the machine e.g. E045, E046 SAFE on the display indicates a safety issue to the operator or the environment e.g. E010, E048 A few error codes are used during the self test and detect if an aggregate is connected e.g. E003, E006
Error codes Error codes Function Control Only self test Machine status Display info E003 Brush lifting motor During self test no current at the brush lifting motor was detected X E004 Brush pressure During self test or operation no change of the brush pressure was detected. The brush pressure value is to big or too small (<50 or >950 digits) (X) E005 Brush motor 1 During self test no current was detected at brush motor 1 or the current of the brush motor 2 is 50% bigger than the current of brush motor 1 E006 Brush motor 2 During self test no current was detected at brush motor 2 or the current of the brush motor 1 is 50% bigger than the current of brush motor 2 E007 Vacuum motor During self test no current at vacuum motor was detected E008 Squeegee lifting motor During self test no current at squeegee lifting motor was detected
Error codes Error codes Function Control Only self test Machine status Display info E010 Signal throttle Short circuit or broken wire of throttle signal. The throttle signal value is too big or too small (<50 or >950 digits) SAFE E011 Signal guidance Short circuit or broken wire of guidance signal. The guidance signal value is too big or too small (<50 or >950 digits) E014 Brush pressure Short circuit or broken wire of brush pressure signal. The brush pressure signal value is too big or too small (<50 or >950 digits) E020 Battery voltage The battery voltage dropped below 20.5V. The battery status voltage reset takes place if 25.4V is available for more than 10 sec E030 Over temperature Power electronics temperature has reached 70°C and therefore the drive motor is limited to the lower current limit of 25A E031 Switch off temperature Power electronics temperature has reached 80°C. X
Error codes Error codes Function Control Only self test Machine status Display info E040 Over current brush motor Over current brush motor reached the max. current and was reduced to brush motor reduced current E041 Brush motor Difference between both brush motors is bigger than 50% for more than 15 sec. and therefore the brush unit will be lifted up X E042 Over-current brush lifting motor The brush lift linear motor current reached the max. current E043 Over-current squeegee lifting motor The squeegee lift linear motor current reached the max. current E044 Over-current vacuum motor The vacuum motor current passed for 30 seconds the lower vacuum motor current limit or reached the max. current limit for 30 sec. and therefore the vacuum motor current was limited to the lower current limit
Error codes Error codes Function Control Only self test Machine status Display info E045 Over-current traction motor 1 The LH traction motor current passed for 30 seconds the lower traction motor current limit or reached the max. current limit for 30 sec. and therefore the traction motor current was limited to the lower current limit E046 Over-current traction motor 2 The RH traction motor current passed for 30 seconds the lower traction motor current limit or reached the max. current limit for 30 sec. and therefore the traction motor current was limited to the lower current limit E048 Short circuit detection Short circuit detected on: traction motor, brush motor or vacuum motor aggregates switched off X E050 Watchdog telegram Communication between micro controllers failed (trigger protocol) SAFE E051 Parameter Wrong CRC (communication data failure). The parameter check sum is not correct OFFL Offline No communication between dash board and power electronics. Firmware download issue