**some content is repeated Unit 1, Tasks 2-4 Review This slide show is intended to review information from your notes as well as “test bank” type questions related to your notes. **some content is repeated **Your Assessment will include multiple choice questions as well as DBQ short answer questions.
Why did Great Britain feel it necessary to tax the colonists? The French and Indian War was expensive to fight & in order to protect their newly won lands as well as the colonists, Britain needed to also pay to have any army stationed in the colonies.
*limited colonial trade Navigation Acts *limited colonial trade *Restricted the trade of certain items with any other country other than Britain *Required the use of English ships
*Prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains Proclamation Line of 1763 *Prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains Ordered settlers to leave the Ohio River Valley *passed to avoid conflict with the Native Americans
*Lowered the tax on molasses to stop smuggling Sugar Act *Lowered the tax on molasses to stop smuggling Smugglers were tried in Vice-admiralty courts (no jury / guilty until proven innocent)
**limited colonies’ ability to create their own Currency Act **limited colonies’ ability to create their own currency (paper money) This was an attempt to solve possible inflation and exert more control over the colonies
*Placed a tax on almost all paper items. Examples: Stamp Act *Placed a tax on almost all paper items. Examples: Legal documents, Licenses Newspapers, Pamphlets Playing cards
**1st tax direct tax (nothing to do with trade) *What was different about this tax? How did the colonists respond???? Sons of Liberty created Boycotted British goods Burned effigies to scare tax collectors Stamp Act Congress declared it was a “violation of their rights and liberties”
Declaratory Act **Stated that Parliament had the power to make laws for the colonies “in all cases whatsoever”
Townshend Acts *Tax levied against imported goods, such as glass, lead, paper, paint and tea.
How did the colonists react to the Townshend Acts? Boycott of British goods (Daughters of Liberty) Attack of customs houses How did the colonists react to the Townshend Acts?
Boston Massacre propaganda Tensions from the presence of British troops soon led to the ?????? **the event is used as ????????? to increase colonial resistance and anger propaganda
**Made British tea cheaper than colonial tea Tea Act of 1773 **Made British tea cheaper than colonial tea *British East Indian Company is exempt from most of the taxes placed on tea (would put colonial merchants out of business)
Protest of the Tea Act by the Sons of Liberty Boston Tea Party Protest of the Tea Act by the Sons of Liberty
Coercive Acts Harsh laws intended to punish the people of Massachusetts for their resistance & participation in The Boston Tea Party The Components of this included: MA charter was canceled – no meetings of the legislature 2. Royal officials accused of crimes were sent to Britain for trial (would be found not guilty) A new Quartering Act required colonists to provide housing for British soldiers Gen. Thomas Gage became the governor - - MA was not under martial law
**First Continental Congress meets to discuss uniting. How did the colonists respond to the Coercive Acts? What did the colonists call the Coercive Acts? Intolerable Acts
What was the main purpose of the Proclamation of 1763? to limit conflicts between American colonists and Native Americans following the French and Indian War
The purpose of the Quartering Act was to require the colonies to ? Provide housing and supplies for British soldiers
What was the reason Parliament passed the Stamp Act? To raise money in the colonies to pay the costs of defending them
British Colonist objected to the Proclamation of 1763 because they – Resented the limits it imposed on westward expansion and helped to fight for control of that territory.
How did King George III enforce the Proclamation of 1763? He sent 10,000 soldiers to the colonies
Boycotting British goods The colonists’ strongest weapons against unpopular British tax measures was— Boycotting British goods
The Coercive, or Intolerable Acts were passed in response to The Boston Tea party
Parliament repealed the Act. What was the reaction of the English government to the colonial protests against the Stamp Act? Parliament repealed the Act.
What law were the Bostonians protesting when soldiers fired on the mob in what is called the 'Boston Massacre?' Townshend Acts
The Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts What was the reaction of the British Government to the Boston Tea Party? The Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts
Which of the following was not part of the Intolerable Acts? Closing the port of Boston Increasing the powers of the governor Allowing British commanders to station troops in private homes Increasing taxes on paint, wine and tea Allowing the governor to ban town meetings
The Declaratory Act stated that: .colonists had the right to reject unfair laws and taxes Parliament would not repeal the Stamp Act colonists had to declare their loyalty to Britain. Parliament had the right to pass laws and raise taxes in all cases what so ever
The purpose of the Committees of Correspondence was to?? keep colonials in contact with each other regarding efforts against British taxation
Which of the following was NOT done at the First Continental Congress? Compile a list of grievances against Britain. Decide to break away from Britain and become independent. Declare the Intolerable Acts null and void Declare that Parliament doesn't have the authority to tax America Repudiate the Declaratory Act
Parliament passed the Tea Act to aid the financially troubled British East India Company.
The King and Parliament viewed the American colonies as a/an source of funds and raw materials
The British government tried to stop smuggling with the ______ACT Sugar Act
What act taxed almost all printed material in the colonies? The Stamp Act
To search a colonist’s house, a British customs officer presented ? Writs of Assistance
Which colonists did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for rebellion? Loyalists
Which colonists wanted to fight the British for American Independence? Patriots
they were not represented in Parliament The colonists claimed that Parliament did not have the right to tax them because they were not represented in Parliament
What Act actually lowered a tax on imports of foreign molasses in order to stop colonial smuggling. The Sugar Act
Which event was used as “propaganda” to encourage colonial resistance against the British The Boston Massacre
A protest by the Sons of Liberty against a monopoly by the British East India Company was given the name The Boston Tea party
The _______ taxed imported goods of glass, lead, paper, paint and tea The Townshend Acts