Unit #2: Animals and Our World Revived-(v) came back to life or consciousness Immensely-(adv) a great deal; very Mourning-(adj) expressing grief, especially after someone dies Consolation*-(n) something that comforts a disappointed person Cunningly-(adv) cleverly Desolate-(adj) lonely; solitary Translucent-(adj) allowing some light through Mortality-(n) condition of being mortal, or having to die eventually Precaution-(n) something you do to prevent something bad or dangerous from happening Exultant-(adj) expressing great joy or triumph Bellow-(v) roar deeply Unit #3: Do Promises Matter? Vocabulary Fissures-(n) narrow openings, or cracks.. Torrent-(n) flood.. Transfixed-(adj) rooted to the spot.. Spectators-(n) people who watch. Simultaneously-(adv) at the same time. Apparent-(adj) seeming. Plausible-(adj) believable. Stalwart-(adj) very loyal and dedicated Loathed-(v) hated.. Ghastly-(adj/adv) very shocking or horrible; ghostly. Unit #5: Finding Courage Summoned-(v) called together Repressive-(adj) overtly strict; controlling by Extenuating-(adj) giving a reason for; excusing Contradiction-(n) difference between two conflicting things that means they cannot be true Distract-(v) draw attention away Emerged-(v) came into view; became visible Huddled-(v) crowded or nestled close together Precaution-(n) something you do to prevent something bad or dangerous from happening Culminated-(v) reached its highest point or climax Fundamental-(adj) basic; forming a foundation
Unit #6: Exploring Identity “Resumed*-(v) began again; continued “Resumed*-(v) began again; continued Reproach-(n) disapproval; criticism Conspired-(v) planned together secretly Nonchalantly-(adv) seemingly uninterested Sentimental-(adj) emotional; showing tender feeling Conviction-(n) belief Avid-(adj) eager and enthusiastic Dismal-(adj) dark and gloomy Crucial-(adj) important; critical Aptitude-(n) talent; ability Unit #7: Unexpected Consequences Ominous-(adj) threatening Presumptuous-(adj) overconfident; lacking respect Rash-(adj) too hasty Malicious*-(adj) hateful; spiteful Transfixed-(adj) fascinated Flustered-(adj) nervous; confused Defiant-(adj) boldly resisting Metamorphosis-(n) change of form Relented-(v) gave in Cunning-(adj) sly; crafty