The break with Rome L.O. to develop an understanding of how and why Henry broke with Rome by creating charts. 0
What were the criticisms of the Catholic Church in the 1520s? The use of Latin excluded the laity from understanding the meaning of the services and bible. Corrupt practices amongst the monks, nuns and clergy. E.g. Sexual relations, they had children, there was evidence of sodomy. Taxes – just to the church. Many saw the local and international church as having acquired too much money. After the Black Death many monasteries had reduced populations of monks and more servants. The Pope was extremely wealthy!!! The selling of indulgencies – you could pay to reduce your time in purgatory. It was the selling of indulgencies that made Luther object to the church. What were the criticisms of the Catholic Church in the 1520s? The Catholic church was criticised for worshiping idols. The churches were very ornately decorated with saints. This was considered contrary to the 10th Commandment. The church was very rich, it owned 1/3 of all land in England. E.g. Cardinal Wolsey was the richest man in England. He built Hampton Court Palace. Not enough alms were given to the poor.
Main ideas: s: More was appointed chancellor because….. Name Dates as chancellor More was removed from post because……
Read p69 – 70 Henry Book Who were the reformers? When were they? What were their ideas? What did they do? Lollards 1370 – 1520s they were the followers of John Wycliffe in England. The first man to translate the bible into English. Catholic church was corrupt. Wanted to make a simpler, poorer church. Focused on personal prayer and good behaviour. They challenged the church. Led the peasants revolt in 1380. Were all hung drawn and quartered. Humanists Erasmus from Europe brought Humanist ideas to England in the 1520s. Wanted to write the bible in English. Wanted to focus on prayer and good behaviour They wrote books and discussed ideas in Europe and England. Lutherans 1517 – Martin Luther wrote his 95 Thesses and nailed to the church door in Wittenberg. Lutheranism came to England in the 1520s. The Catholic church was corrupt. All pictures should be removed as they are idolotros. Created a new ‘reformed church’ this was the reformation.
How was the Royal Supremacy achieved?
Cromwell’s rise… Main ideas: s: …and his fall. Before he worked for Wolsey…
Date Extent of Religious change 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541
With reference to extracts A and B and your understanding of the historical context, which of these two extracts provides the more convincing interpretation of the success of Wolsey as the king’s chief minister? Claim from extract A Evidence to support it Evidence to refute it Claim from extract B Evidence to support it Evidence to refute it
With reference to extracts A and B and your understanding of the historical context, which of these two extracts provides the more convincing interpretation of the success of Wolsey as the king’s chief minister? Extract A is convincing because it claims… Evidence to support this is….. (Repeat this as many times as you can) However source A is not convincing because it claims…. Evidence to refute this claim is…. Extract B is convincing because it claims… Evidence to support this is….. (Repeat this as many times as you can) However source B is not convincing because it claims…. Evidence to refute this claim is…. In conclusion…(WFTQ)….because…..