Joan of Arc and the 100 Years War Let’s get to work.
King could not tax the nobles/barons without their consent. Warm Up Possible Answers….. King could not tax the nobles/barons without their consent. King could not through someone into jail without a trial.
Announcements You may come in during Smart Lunch and take a look at your test anytime this week, and Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Come see how you did!
The Skit. Today will be the last class day to work together. We don’t have school tomorrow. You must hand in….. 1 script per group. Each group member will turn in their skit packet. You may detach it from the Day 4: Feudalism packet.
What presentations will look like…. I have reserved the open work space for us on Friday. Only the Narrator will be reading from the script, everyone else must memorize their lines.
Read/Annotate the Joan of Arc article. You must write “gist” statements along the way. You also must come up at least three questions along the way.
Black Plague You’ve done a lot of research on this already, main points are that it originated in Asia, came to Europe, and there were some terrible effects. Know them.
The Church The Church had been having some trouble for some time, and the Plague exposed its weaknesses They didn’t have a strong leader to deal with the Plague. For awhile no one was sure who the real Pope was (there were more than one)
Church con’t A council in Germany finally stabilized the church in 1417, taking away authority from the other popes and electing a new leader, Pope Martin V. Reformers still wanted more. John Wycliffe in England had the Bible translated into English. He was burned at the stake for heresy- ideas that went against the church.
100 Years’ War England had some land in present day France, and they were fighting against the French to keep it. The English King Edward III claimed the French crown in 1337 (His mother had been a French Princess). This started the war.
The War England was winning, in the beginning. They had superior weapons (longbow). Next, enter Joan of Arc
What an interesting character…. In 1429, she went to the Charles VII, who would have been the French King. She says God told her to save France Chuck VII was like, “Sweet! I’m all out of ideas. Go do your thing!” So she did.
Joan Con’t She led troops into battle, France began to win a little bit, and eventually France would “win” this war. Joan was burned at the stake for being a witch, by the English.
Impact of War England comes to rely heavily on Parliament, because they had the money. Parliament’s power increases. Castles and Knights and shining armor, all pretty much go away after this. (Longbow, cannon) Monarchs start to need large armies, not vassals, to win their wars.
Exit Ticket Practice How did religion play a role in the 100 Years War? How did feudal society change as a result of the 100 Years War?