Prifysgol Bangor University


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Presentation transcript:

Prifysgol Bangor University Ffeil Portffolio Portfolio File

Nodau / Aims Ymgyfarwyddo â’r ffeil Deall disgwyliadau Paratoi a’r gyfer defnyddio ‘OneNote’ Familiarise with the file Understand expectations Prepare to use ‘OneNote’

Nodau / Aims Datblygu sgiliau cynllunio a gwerthuso dysgu Adnabod ac ymateb i anghenion y dysgwyr Sicrhau bod arfer wedi ei selio ar ymchwil ac arfer sydd wedi ei selio ar dystiolaeth Develop the skills and evidence of planning and evaluating learning Recognise and respond to learners’ needs Ensure practice is based on theory and/or evidence based practice

Nodau / Aims Dyddiadur Proffesiynol i arddangos arfer gritigol, adfyfyriol ac atblygol Ennill a chymhwyso sgiliau ymchwil proffesiynol i sicrhau adrawiad positif ar y dysgu a’r addysgu Professional Journal to develop and demonstrate reflective, reflexive and critical practice Acquire and apply close to practice research skills to impact positively upon teaching and learning

Rhan 1 / Part 1 Cyflwyniad Rhestr Darllen Cynllun(iau) Tymor Canolig Templedi Cynlluniau Ysgol Proffil Dosbarth (Uwchradd yn unig) Cynlluniau Gwersi (templed Prifysgol) Introduction Reading List Mid Term Plan(s) School Lesson Plans Class profile(s)-Secondary only Lesson Plans (University template)

Rhan 2 / Part 2 Ffurflenni Arsylwi Gwersi Cynlluniau Gwersi & Gwerthuso’r Dysgu (x 12) Ffurflenni Tracio (x 12) Adroddiad Interim Adroddiad Crynodol (x 2) Lesson Observation Forms Lesson Plans & Learner Evaluations (x 12) Interim Report Summative Report (x 2)

Diswyliadau / Expectations Adroddiad Interim: Cwblhau erbyn diwedd hanner tymor cyntaf Adroddiad Crynodol (x 2): 18.12.17 & 18.6.18 1 x Ffurflen Arsylwi Gwers + Cynllun Gwers + Taflen Tracio Interim Report: To be completed by the end of the first half term Summative Report (x 2): 18.12.17 & 18.6.18 1 x Lesson Observation Form + Lesson Plan + Tracking Form

Disgwyliadau / Expectations Tymor 1 / Term 1 5 x Asesiad 3 x hanner tymor 12 x hanner tymor 2 FFOCWS: Rheoli Ymddygiad, Creu Perthynas Rhaglenni Astudio / Cwricwlwm Asesu ar Gyfer Dysgu Llythrennedd Rhifedd 5 x Assessments 3 x half term 1 2 x half term 3 FOCUS: Behaviour Management, Relationships Program of Study / Curriculum Assessment for Learning Literacy Numeracy

Disgwyliadau / Expectations Tymor 2 / Term 2 4 x Asesiad 2 x hanner tymor 1 2 x hanner tymor 2 FFOCWS: FfCD ABCh ADCDF ADY/Cynhwysiant 4 x Assessments 2 x half term 1 2 x half term 2 FOCUS: DCF PSE ESDGC Inclusion / ALN

Disgwyliadau / Expectations Tymor 3 / Term 3 3 Asesiad: FFOCWS: Prosiect Ymchwil Gweithredol 3 x Assessments: FOCUS: Teacher Enquiry Project

Rhan 3 / Part 3 Prosiect Ymchwil Athro: 1,500 o eiriau Datblygu sgiliau ymchwil proffesiynol Cael mynediad I a defnyddio ymchwil Sicrhau adrawiad positif ar yr addysgu a’r dysgu Hel tystiolaeth yn erbyn safonau SAC Teacher Enquiry Project: 1,500 words Develop professional research skills To access and use research Ensure positive impact upon teaching and learning Collate evidence for QTS standards

Disgwyliadau / Expectations Tymor 3 / Term 3 Canllawiau: 4 rhan Adnabod maes / agwedd & darllen critigol (500 o eiriau) Cynllun / Gweithred (cynllun(iau) gwers (200 o eiriau) Data (300 o eiriau) Casgliadau (500 o eiriau) Guidelines: 4 parts Identify issue / area & Critical reading (500 words) Plan / Action (lesson plan(s) 200 words) Data (300 words) Conclusions (500 words)

Rhan 4 / Part 4 Rhaglen Microsoft Microsoft Educator Programme

Adnoddau CAGCC Can0lbarth Templedi / Templates Canllawiau Asesu / Assessment Guidance Arweinlyfrau / Guidebooks

Rhestr Ddarllen / Reading List Cynradd / Primary Clarke, S. (2014) Outstanding Formative Assessment: Culture and Practice. London: Hodder Education Dweck, C (2012) Mindset : Changing the Way You Think to Fulfil Your Potential. London: Little Brown Book Group. Glazzard, J. and Stokoe, J. (2011) Achieving Outstanding on your Teaching Placement. London: SAGE Grigg, R. (2014) Becoming an Outstanding Primary School Teacher. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd. Hattie, J. (2013) Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximising Impact on Learning. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd. Muncaster, K., Clarke, S. (2016) Growth Mindset Lessons-Every Child a Learner. Oxon: Rising Stars Paige, R., Lambert, S. and Geeson, R. (2017) Building Skills for Effective Primary Teaching. London: SAGE Robinson, C., Bingle, B. and Howard C.(2015) Your Primary School-Based Experience : A Guide to Outstanding Placements. Northwich: Critical Publishing Ltd. Thomas, A. and Lewis, A. (2016) An Introduction to the Foundation Phase. Bloomsbury Wyse, D. and Rogers, S (2016) A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching. London: SAGE

Rhestr Ddarllen / Reading List Capel, S. (2010) Readings for Learning to Teach in the Secondary School Capel, S. (2016) Learning to teach in Secondary School: 7th Edition Hattie, J. (2011) Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximising Impact on Learning Kyriacou, C. (2014) Essential Teaching Skills: 4th Edition Kyriacou, C. (2009) Effective Teaching in Schools Theory and Practice: 3rd Edition Pollard, A. (2014) Reflective Teaching in Schools Learning to Teach in the Secondary School

Manylion cyswllt / Contact Details Cynradd / Primary Elin Williams 01248 382949 Gweinyddwraig/Administrator: Janet Thomas 01248 383275 Uwchradd / Secondary Rhys Coetmor Jones 01248 383008 Gweinyddwraig/Administrator: Janet Thomas 01248 383275