Causes and Effects of The Reformation.


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Presentation transcript:

Causes and Effects of The Reformation

Essential Question: Was Martin Luther right to rebel against the Catholic Church and form a new religion?

Directions Write down text in cream. Don’t write down text in yellow.

The Holy Roman Empire in the 16c

Martin Luther Born 1483 Priest & Professor in Wittenberg, Germany Left image retrieved from Right image retrieved from

Selling of Indulgences Pope Leo X started practice certificates issued by Church to reduce or cancel punishment of sins Luther didn’t agree with sale of Indulgences – Image retrieved from 1530 Depiction of Selling Indulgences

Calls for Reform John Wycliffe (1330-1384) Jan Hus (1370-1415) Questioned the authority of the pope Jan Hus (1370-1415) Criticized the vast wealth of the Church Erasmus (1469-1536) Attacked corruption in the Church

Luther Posts The 95 Theses 1517 Luther nailed 95 Theses to door of Church Criticized Indulgences & church corruption

Collection of Martin Luther’s Writings, 1581 Luther’s Ideas Image retrieved from Collection of Martin Luther’s Writings, 1581

Luther’s Different Accounts Left image retrieved from Right image retrieved from Young Martin Luther Old Martin Luther

Reformation Spreads Gutenberg’s printing press spreads ideas Indulgences sales drop Luther continued attacks

16th Century Europe: The Reformation Europe in 1560 Map retrieved from

Response From Rome Pope Leo X sent envoys to end uprising Luther refused to stop his criticism In 1521 the Pope excommunicated Luther

Diet of Worms Council of German princes Luther declared a heretic & outlaw                                                                                                               

Peasant Revolt in 1525 Luther backed princes Princes support Luther against Pope

Catholic Lutheran Faith and Good Works Ritual and Tradition Pope Language – Latin Faith alone literal interpretation of bible Did not recognize authority of Pope Language – German

The Spread of Lutheranism

Calvin Wrote The Institutes of the Christian Religion Predestination – God determines the fate of every person Popular in Netherlands & Scotland

Calvin’s World in the 16c

The Anabaptists Baptized adults No participation in government Pacifists Persecuted went to America in 1600’s Quakers, Baptists, Mennonites, Amish

The Anabaptists Dutch persecution of Anabaptists (Mennonites)

The Catholic Reformation Pope Paul III Council of Trent 1545-1563

Protestant Churches in France (Late 16c)

Religious Persecution Jesuits – religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola missionaries Inquisition tortured unfaithful                             

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Slaughter of Huguenots (French Protestants)

Edict of Nantes Henri of Navarre defeated Catholic League & becomes Henry IV of France. In 1598: Granted religious rights to Huguenots

Thirty Years War: 1618-1648 (over Religion)

Loss of German Lives in 30 Years’ War

Peace of Westphalia (1648) Ruler of each state could determine its official religion, BUT must permit freedom of private worship.

Reformation Europe (Late 16c)

Effects of Reformation Division within Christian faith Religious Wars—30 Years War Religious Persecution--Inquisition Began Separation of Church & State

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