The Tudor Period Unit 3
General Information Tudor English Reformation, impress
Tudor Line Henry, heirlessness Henry, divorce, six Edward Mary, Bloody Elizabeth, Bess -Spanish
Renaissance Reawakened, culture -Italy -science -humanists -order*** * Great Chain*** National -authority -biblical
Reformation Religious Tyndale, Greek Coverdale
Literature Printing press -Eclectic -Difficult -Didactic Courtly, humanistic, Protestant, Wyatt, More, Tyndale, Cranmer, Foxe
Genres Simplicity Sonnet Sydney Spenser’s Drama *Shakespeare, William Shakespeare
Sir Thomas More Beheading Famous Humanist, reason
About More’s Philosophy Tyndale -correctly -priests
Utopia Ideal, New World Slavery Whole, majority Peace no
The English Bible Tyndale Geneva -chapters, verses Puritans, noblest **** King James
About William Tyndale Sun Informal, common Full, Great Flee, Greek, safe Assistant, King James
About the Book of Common Prayer Marriage, basis, order, order Theme English -Bible -mass Cranmer -Protestant
About the Book of Common Prayer Catholics Cranmer Moderate Christian Submission ?
About John Foxe Oxford Lutheran Deacon, Ridley Mary’s Latin English Church Elizabeth I
About Acts and Monuments Martyrs First-hand -Protestant -suffer, Satan Nationalism Twelve, epic clear
Latimer and Ridley Ridley says God will either assuage the fury of the flame or else strengthen them to abide it. Latimer dies quickly. Ridley is given the strength to endure. Truth, sacrifice, survived Written Samson’s
Partner Work Latimer- ancient, venerable, lean (contempt for the world and the flesh) Speech- infrequent, terse, timely, eloquent, can communicate well with the common people, “homely eloquence” Dress: plain, disdain for earthly honor, poor gown made of coarse wool, kerchief Conduct: brief colloquial speech, quite Goods: “gave nothing” Death: died swiftly
Partner Work Ridley- fullness of maturity, 55, fat Speech: voluble, ready, incisive, apt, though showing human hesitation, enormous learning and gift for disputing Dress: richly attired, dressed up to die (appareled for his “marriage”), fine gown with fur trim and velvet hood Conduct: bold, eloquent speech Goods: gave away various articles of clothing and personal effects Death: suffered a prolonged death
Latimer and Ridley
Verse Forms of the Elizabethan Period Love Musical, singing
Types of Verse Musical Songs Pastoral, simplicity
English Poetry: Rhyme, Rhythm, and Meter Sounds, words Rhyme (masculine and feminine) Rhythm End Meter Foot
Feet Iamb One One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight Natural Blank nine