Vocabulary Unit 1
FLUO Definition: To flow.
FLUO Affluence, Fluid, Influence, Confluence, Fluent
FLUO Affluent people rarely have money worries.
ALTERNATIVE Definition: One of the things, propositions, or courses of action that can be chosen
ALTERNATIVE Noun: You have the alternative of riding or walking. Adjective: The alternative possibilities are neutrality or war.
VANESCO Definition: To melt or vanish.
VANESCO Evanescent, Evanesce
VANESCO His depression was evanescent. He felt better in the morning.
COMPENSATE Definition: To recompense for something To counter-balance; offset; be equivalent to
COMPENSATE They gave him ten dollars to compensate him for his trouble. He compensated his homely appearance with great personal charm.
-ESCE Definition: Begin to.
-ESCE Convalesce, Putrescent, Adolescent, Adolescence, Putrescence
Adolescents are just beginning their journey into adulthood.
COMPONENT Definition: A constituent part; element; ingredient
COMPONENT The computer components were not expensive individually; combined, however, they were more than he could afford.
EU- Definition: Good.
EU- Euphemism, Euphony, Eulogy, Euphoria, Euthanasia
EU- His eulogy indicated his true feelings of admiration for the departed.
CONSENT Definition: To permit, approve, or agree; to comply or yield
CONSENT Noun: He gave his consent to the marriage. Verb: Our manager consented to our proposal.
PLATYS Definition: Broad or flat
PLATYS Plateau, Plate, Platter, Platypus
PLATYS The plateau certainly lived up to its name – Flattop Mountain.
CONVENE Definition: To come together or assemble, usually for some public purpose
CONVENE The city council meeting convened at 7 p.m., and of course, the mayor was late.