Vocab 12.5
VOCABULARY 12.5 SWBAT determine word meanings from context clues. SWBAT use word parts (roots, prefixes, suffixes) to determine meaning of unfamiliar words
RAPID FIRE AGENDA 7 mins: learn words in context & teach to table 10 mins: part of speech, misunderstandings, CFUs 15 mins: practice
Group Assignments You have 30 seconds to determine who in your group is: George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe
Assignments: Washington: Words 3 & 4 Adams: Words 5 & 6 Jefferson: Words 1 & 2 Madison: Words 9 & 10 Monroe: Words 7 & 8
indigent Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage adjective Experiencing want or need; impoverished poor, poverty-stricken rich, affluent, wealthy indigently adv. indigence n. the indigent, n.
CFU: Indigent Do you agree that the poor rather than the rich should be responsible for making the rules of society? Why?
infringe Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage verb To transgress or exceed the limits of; violate encroach, impose, intrude, invade, transgress, trespass Comply obey Infringement, infringer noun
CFU: Infringe What is the most important right that people have that you feel the United States Government should NOT infringe upon? Why?
document Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage verb To record in written, photographic or other form Log, chronicle, report
CFU: Document Why is it essential to document the sources that you use in a research essay or report?
ostensible Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage Store sold synthetic marijuana and meth. Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage adjective Represented or appearing as such; evident Apparent, pretended, professed, supposed, alleged genuine, real, honest ostensibly adv.
CFU: Ostensible What argument is Teddy Roosevelt making about the perception of government versus the reality of government?
specious Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage adjective Plausible, but not true; based on a sham Deceptive, false, misleading true, direct, honest speciously adv. speciousness n.
CFU: SPECIOUS What might be a specious excuse you could tell for not completing your AP English homework?
‘Copia’ was a Latin singular noun meaning ‘a lot’ ‘Copia’ was a Latin singular noun meaning ‘a lot’. Adding ‘us’ to a singular noun made it a plural noun, so ‘copius’ literally meant ‘a lot of a lot’.
copious Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage adjective Large in quantity; abundant ample, bountiful, plentiful lacking, meager, scant, rare copiously adv. copiousness n.
CFU: copious What is something you would like to have a copious amount of? What is something you WOULD NOT like to have a copious amount of?
extraneous Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage Wheel of Fortune sign reads, “Dangerously Irrelevant.” Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage adjective Unessential or unrelated to the topic or matter at hand irrelevant, needless, nonessential, peripheral, redundant, superfluous essential, necessary, needed extraneously adv. extraneousness n.
CFU: EXTRANEOUS What is one reason that you should avoid writing about extraneous details in a Timed Argument Essay?
mundane Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage adjective commonplace; ordinary. banal, unimaginative, everyday extraordinary, unusual mundanely adv. mundaneness mundanity n.
CFU: Mundane What is something that a teacher can do to keep class from becoming mundane?
progeny Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage noun Woman in middle is supposed to be Octomom. Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage noun An offspring or a descendant. Offspring or descendants considered as a group. breed, children, product, descendants, lineage n. pl. progeny progenies
Cfu: progeny What inference can you make about how Mary Shelley feels about her novel Frankenstein when she refers to it as her ‘hideous progeny’?
sonorous Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Special Usage adjective Having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound. grandiloquent, bass, booming, rich, resonant quiet, mute, soft sonorously adv. sonorousness n.
CFU: sonorous Read the following quotation in a sonorous voice: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
Closing: low-stakes writing Encourage students to use all and previous vocabulary words. 10-12 minutes. Share out/partner share/etc.