Generative Model To Construct Blog and Post Networks In Blogosphere


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Presentation transcript:

Generative Model To Construct Blog and Post Networks In Blogosphere Amit Karandikar, Akshay Java, Anupam Joshi, Tim Finin AIM To simulate the graph structures that look like the “real” Blogosphere Graphs are everywhere .. Ok, but why? To test the new algorithms for blogosphere, To save time and effort in gathering and preprocessing the "real" data, To extrapolate the properties by varying parameters .. and so are Power Laws! 20% of the population owns 80% of the wealth Real networks often tend to show the “rich get richer” phenomenon. Already popular website is bound to get more inlinks. Blogger characteristics Blog writers are enthusiastic blog readers Most bloggers post infrequently Active bloggers follow popular blogs, friends blogs and interact online. Scale-free networks The likelihood of linking to a popular website is higher Ok, power laws: So what’s the big deal? Makes ranking of web content possible (e.g. Google ranking) Shows that only a few things are more important than others Preferential Attachment Approach Model bloggers with Read, Write, Idle states Select blog writers preferentially based on the outdegree of the blog node Perform preferential random walk in the blog neighborhood based on the indegree of the neighbor With a small probability perform totally random reading and writer selection Conclusion We were able to simulate the blogosphere properties such as degree distributions, average shortest path, diameter, degree correlations, reciprocity, size of connected components