Acquiesce - verb To agree to To give in to
Bombast - noun Arrogant, pompous language
Curtail - verb To cut short
Epicure - noun Someone who appreciates good food and drink
Heed - verb To listen to
Lampoon - verb To ridicule or spoof
Oblivious - adjective Totally unaware
Podium - noun A raised platform
Resonate - verb To echo
Tenuous - adjective Flimsy; not solid
List 2
Bellicose - adjective War-like; aggressive
Consummate - adjective complete; total; supremely good
Elusive - adjective Hard to pin down
Gregarious - adjective Sociable; extroverted; outgoing
Jaundiced - adjective Sickly; yellow in appearance Cynical; pessimistic
Nettle - verb To annoy
Phenomenon - noun an event or happening (plural: phenomena)
Recuperate - verb To get better from something, especially an illness
Superlative - adjective Extremely good; the best
Whet - verb To sharpen
List 3
Clemency- noun mercy
Flout- verb defy; reject
Mendacious -adjective given to lying
Sophomoric-adjective juvenile; immature
Venal- adjective corrupt; can be bribed
Cliché - noun overused expression; something unoriginal
Disparage -verb criticize; belittle
Flustered-verb worked-up; not calm
Protégé- noun person under protection of, or guided by another
Articulate- adjective clear; lucid; eloquent
List 4
Ingrate- noun ungrateful person
Mercenary- adjective concerned only with money
Soporific- adjective inducing sleep
Veneer- noun surface coating
Clientele -noun customers
Disparity-noun an inequality
Inimical- adjective hostile
Protocol procedure; code of behavior
Sparse-adjective spare; bare; meager
Venerate-verb revere; worship
List 5
Coalesce- verb come together; merge
Artifice- noun deception; trickery
Dispassionate- adjective neutral; objective
Innate- adjective inherited; inborn
Merge- verb come together
Pedestrian- noun common; mundane; banal
Provincial- adjective unsophisticated; narrow-minded
Specious- adjective false
Venial- adjective minor; unimportant
Cerebral-Adjective intellectual
List 6
Diffident- Adjective Lacking confindence
Inconspicuous-Adjective not easily seen; subtle; not noticeable
Malefactor-Noun A wrong-doer
Paradigm-Noun 1. example; 2. model; 3. way of looking at things
Pristine-Adjective Unspoiled
Unprecedented-Adjective never having happened before
Anomaly-Noun something which does not fit in a pattern; irregularity
Certitude-Noun Certainty
Digress-Verb wander off the subject
Falter-Verb hesitate; waver
List 7
Indelible-Adjective cannot be wiped out
Malinger-Verb deliberately avoid work; shirk
Paradox-Noun apparently contradictory statement
Proclivity-Noun tendency towards
Seminary-Noun an institution in which priests are trained
Annex-Verb take possession of; seize; capture
Forensic- adjective concerned with argument or debate (esp. for legal evidence)
Pedant- noun person who insists on strict adherence to rules or narrow learning
Mercurial- adjective volatile; changeable
Archives - noun collections of old records; place of storage of old documents Hello my name is adam