Vocabulary Week of 4/2 – 4/6 Goal: to learn a new word, its part of speech, and to use it correctly in an original sentence.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Monday, April 2nd aesthetic
Please guess the definition… People who are sensitive to aesthetic will often be very upset by ugly surroundings. Please guess the definition… concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty; of pleasing appearance aesthetic is an adjective Synonyms: artistic, tasteful Antonym: ugly Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day camaraderie
Please guess the definition… In many sports camaraderie is vitally important to the success of the team. Please guess the definition… mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together camaraderie is a noun Synonyms: friendship, comradeship Antonym: enmity Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Tuesday, April 3rd censure
If his boss has to censure him again, he will certainly lose his job. Please guess the definition… express severe disapproval of (someone or something), typically in a formal statement censure is a verb (but can also be used as a noun) Synonyms: condemn, criticize Antonym: praise Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day clairvoyant
Please guess the definition… In the late 19th century, many charlatans claimed to possess clairvoyant abilities which allowed them to speak to spirits. Please guess the definition… having or exhibiting an ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact clairvoyant is an adjective (but can also be a noun) Synonyms: psychic, visionary Antonym: N/A Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Wednesday, April 4th extenuating
Please guess the definition… Many people would agree that extenuating circumstances should be considered when considering the consequences for one’s actions. Please guess the definition… conditions that make (guilt or an offense) seem less serious or more forgivable extenuating is an adjective Synonyms: excusable, allowable Antonym: inexcusable Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day novice
Please guess the definition… Generally novices in the trade professions are assigned a mentor to help them learn the necessary skills to be successful in their field. Please guess the definition… a person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation novice is a noun Synonyms: beginner, newcomer Antonym: veteran Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Thursday, April 5th opulent
Please guess the definition… He enjoyed opulent surroundings, and would only stay in the fanciest and most expensive hotels and resorts. Please guess the definition… flashily rich and luxurious or over-the-top opulent is an adjective Synonyms: wealthy, lavish Antonym:subdued Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day parched
The parched earth offered no sustenance for the withered plants. Please guess the definition… dried out with heat parched is an adjective Synonyms: dry, dehydrated Antonym: saturated Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Friday, April 6th precocious
Please guess the definition… She had always been a precocious child; by the age of five she was speaking three languages fluently. Please guess the definition… (of a child) having developed certain abilities or tendencies at an earlier age than usual precocious is an adjective Synonyms: mature, gifted Antonym: immature Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day prudent
Please guess the definition… It wouldn’t be prudent to invest all of your savings in a high-risk venture. Please guess the definition… marked by sound judgement prudent is an adjective Synonyms: wise, sensible Antonym: foolish Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.