Unit Two Vocabulary Week One
Accede (verb) agree/comply with a demand Despite agreeing to accede to Spanish demands, Atahualpa was executed. .
bilk (verb) con/swindle
catatonic (adjective) as if in a mental stupor The mental patient slipped in and out of catatonic states.
choleric (adjective) easily angered Individuals with choleric personalities should be avoided.
existential (adjective) of or relating to existence Franz Kafka was one of the great existential writers.
incontrovertible (adjective) unquestionable
qualms (noun) moral uneasiness
Relish (verb) enjoy with gusto I relish every opportunity I have to spend outdoors.
Repartee (noun) verbal wordplay The television show Friends succeed because of its snappy repartee.
vehement (adjective) heated/passionate Martin Luther King Jr. was a vehement believer in equality for all.