Closing Gaps in Care TITLE
Enhancing Health Advocacy with Data Personal Health Advocates use integrated online tools to respond in real time to employee calls, facilitating key opportunities for intervention at every touchpoint They address individual gaps in care and opportunities to improve employees’ overall health Focused on 100% of your population IMAGE NEEDED
Enhancing Health Advocacy with Data When member calls in, encourage member to close a gap in care Push emails for member to see advice Personalize Advice on Website and App Employer facing dashboard Enhanced Reporting Gaps in Care Report showing Gaps closed Annual Medical Claims Analysis
When you add data, we get a 360º view of the employee, allowing us to do much more We analyze medical claims, lab and screening results, and HRA responses to identify associates at risk This allows us to deliver highly personalized support tailored to each person’s unique needs Results are used to coach at the point of contact, deliver healthy reminders, and to close gaps in care
Every point of contact is an opportunity to engage people See care gaps like overdue tests Review employee’s benefit resources Follow case and call history Every point of contact is an opportunity to engage people
Healthcare and Rx costs Key savings opportunities Employee’s health risks JO Notes: Delete slide. They use Truven. Plus, see the health of your organization in real time with our Information Dashboard
Data drives even more engagement Make healthcare easier 24/7 healthcare help from a dedicated Health Concierge Email and mobile app notifications Anytime, anywhere access through web and mobile app Online on-the-go health advice Plus… 360º gaps-in-care coaching for almost any medical condition Detailed reporting to help track the health of your organization Ongoing health communications Digital navigation
Demographic Advice Blood Glucose Screening Bone Density Screening Cervical Cancer Screening Cholesterol Screening Colorectal Cancer Screening Dental Visit Health Maintenance Office Visit Hepatitis C Screening Mammogram Vision Exam Flu Vaccination Pneumococcal Vaccination Shingles Vaccination
Website and Mobile App Advice Types of Advice Health Assessment/PHP Lifestyle Coaching Medical Test Vaccination Rx Brand to Generic Rx Brand to Generic Alternative Rx Compliance Rx Mail Order Rx Recommendation
Mobile App Push Notifications and Email Alerts
Data Integrated into the Member Experience
Track the Engagement in Your Organization Detailed reports break down: Utilization Gaps in care closed Baseline and year-over-year claims analysis
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