Team 6 Diya Mathew, Hunter Rudd, Kevin Gannon, Nandita Beri PROPCHAIN Team 6 Diya Mathew, Hunter Rudd, Kevin Gannon, Nandita Beri
Current property purchasing process puts the sellers and buyers at risk Ownership Transfer & Escrow Payments Steps in Purchase Hire a real-estate agent Find the right property Draft a contract Inspection & Appraisal Post Sale Issues Players Involved Buyer Agents Buyer Agents Buyer Agents Lawyer Notary Buyer Seller Agents Inspector Appraiser Buyer Seller Agents Insurer Lawyer Buyer Insurer Lawyer 5.5 million houses sold last year; market expected to grow at 4%. 1.1 million home buyers wish they had better inspection, prior to purchase. Keeping track of home improvement, repairs and maintenance is very inefficient, costly and inconvenient. Misaligned incentives Superficial knowledge of house Time consuming Insufficient information > $300 Hidden problems undetected Major Inefficiencies Managed by 3rd party escrow account Faults uncovered Insufficient information for repairs
Inspectors & Appraisers Solution: Private, Permissioned Blockchain Propchain Parties to a transaction verify and publish to the chain Third-parties validate through cryptography to ensure immutability through nested transactions Trustworthiness provided by consortium members having competing interests and civil and criminal liability A single blockchain is created for each property thereby serving as an immutable record of relevant activity related to that property Property Owners General Contractors Real Estate Agents Permissioned, multi-party verification and security Material Providers Inspectors & Appraisers Sub-contractors
Monetization Strategy General Contractors / Builders Real Estate Agents Inspectors / Appraisers Subscription Fee Decreases admin fees Reduces expenses attributable to overages Fee per property Accurate Pricing Accelerate deal flow Reduces time and effort spent on valuing the property Value Proposition
Risk Analysis RISKS STEPS TO MITIGATE Success of platform contingent upon reaching a critical mass of users Offer services free to buyers Free access to government/policy makers Limit to details that can be provided (cannot solely reply upon) Gain input from multiple stakeholders / multiple perspectives Complexity of inputs / technology intimidating to inexperienced users Implement a highly user-friendly, scalable interface (customizable views, filtering capabilities, etc.)
Blockchain technology provides the best solution Home ownership details & Price consensually shared and synchronized across network. Home inventory details shared with permissioned users. Distributed Ledger Remote independent writers Existence in absence of trust Disinter-mediation Economic Benefits Builders: Reduced cost due to lower wastage Buyers/Sellers: Better info. for decision making RE Agents: Quick and transparent negotiations Cryptographically secured transactions by builders, home owners etc. benefit RE agents, home buyers in future. Degree of inspection needed reduced greatly. Some administrative staff for builders and suppliers no longer required. Consensus network with immutable transactions and timestamps to serve as evidence in case of disputes.
Example: Private, Permissioned Blockchain Propchain Publicly Visible Property ID or Address Private, Permissioned Registration of Title Real Estate Agents Ownership Change Property Owners Permissions to General Contractor Permitting for project General Contractors Sale Cycle Multiparty Verification Account Setup for project Sub-contractors Materials Billing Permissions to Sub-contractor Material Providers Installation Services Rendered Inspectors Verification of work Valuation & Sale Preparation
Example: Private, Permissioned Blockchain Propchain Property ID or Address Property ID or Address Publicly Visible Private, Permissioned Registration of Title Registration of Title Ownership Change Encrypted; Hash to Validate Permissions to General Contractor Encrypted; Hash to Validate Permitting for project Encrypted; Hash to Validate Owner View Account Setup for project Encrypted; Hash to Validate Materials Billing Sub-contractor View Encrypted; Hash to Validate Permissions to Sub-contractor Permissions to Sub-contractor Installation Services Rendered Installation Services Rendered Verification of work Verification of work Valuation & Sale Preparation