Chapter F – Mux / demux
M74HC4052 Description:
How can we use it? Use A and B to connect X-com and Y-com to one of four pairs of pins E.g. if A=0=B, then X-com is connected to 0x and Y-com is connected to 0Y E.g. if A=1=B, then X-com is connected to 3x and Y-com is connected to 3Y Signals can travel in either direction
How can we use it? Connect VEE to ground and VCC to 3.3V to operate in digital mode with RPi. Connect the Rx and Tx lines of one HMC5883L to 0X and 0Y Connect the Rx and Tx lines of the other HMC5883L to 1X and 1Y Connect B to ground Connect A to an output GPIO pin. Set A low to access the first sensor Set A high to access the second sensor Set INH to ground