Performance Evaluations


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Presentation transcript:

Performance Evaluations Justin Kingrey & Anabel Montiel

“The Invisible Eye? Electronic Performance Monitoring and Employee Job Performance” Devasheesh P. Bhave

Question How many of you feel you would work harder if you knew you were being constantly monitored electronically?

Key Terms Electronic Performance Monitoring Customer Service Representative (CSR)

Focus Supervisors usage of the EPM system Do monitoring systems actually make a difference?

Method Of Research 2 Call Centers Midwestern U.S. cities All incoming calls Supervisors use of EPM data


Take Home Message Better Training For Supervisors Data Management for the data from EPM

M.Ena Inesi, Daniel M. Cable: London Business School “When Accomplishments Come Back to Haunt you: The Negative Effect of Competence Signals on Women’s Performance Evaluations” M.Ena Inesi, Daniel M. Cable: London Business School

Key Terms: Competence signals Gender hierarchy Performance Evaluations Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) Objective performance Subjective performance Competence Signals- The ability to do something successfully, Eg. Educational attainment, promotion history, Knowledge, skills, abilities, and Other (KSAO’s) Gender hierarchy- men or women being superior to one another. The one presented in this article is men above women according to society's norms. Performance Evaluations - Formal determination of an individual's job-related actions and their outcomes within a particular position or setting. Social Dominance Orientation (SDO)- is a personality trait which predicts social and political attitudes, and is a widely used social psychological scale. SDO is conceptualized as a measure of individual differences in levels of group-based discrimination; that is, it is a measure of an individual's preference for hierarchy within any social system and the domination over lower-status groups. Objective performance: measures are those that involve an impartial measurement, that is, without bias or prejudice. Subjective performance: evaluation is a way of evaluating a worker that isn't based on quantifiable numbers. You're rating your employees based on your perception of how they're doing and the value they bring to the business. Counterintuitive- contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true) Bias- prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair

Topic Women who have strong competence signals can be seen as a “threat” and lead to low performance evaluations. Social Dominance Orientation is a strong indicator when conducting performance evaluations. Downstream consequences on signals for later performance evaluations Based on job performance it self not historic competence signals

Dark line no effect (Men) Dotted line (women) The effect on Pay grade for men and women as approaching male supervisor pay grade. Dark line no effect (Men) Dotted line (women) There is no effect on A male subordinate when relating to pay grade and the proximity to an evaluator. You can see a significant difference on a female subordinate that gets closer to a male evaluators pay grade, her performance evaluation is lower.

Method Branch of the US Military, Commanding officers are the evaluators. College educated adults. Male adults and Female adults. Scenarios and examples were given. Focus on Study 2

SDO Scale Method in study was to have the participants complete an SDO scale that included these 16 items with their individual preferences and differences of items to which they “strongly agreed or strongly disagreed” in a scale of 1-7. After completing this scale, they were rated by Low SDO or High SDO Three of the items stand out 1. “Some groups of people are simply inferior to other groups.” 2. “If certain groups stayed in their place, we would have fewer problems” 3. “Inferior groups should stay in their place”

Study Male Subordinate Female Subordinate Male evaluator Female evaluator High or low SDO Numbers are predicted performance. The black line stands out because a female subordinate, who has a male evaluator, who has high SDO is more likely to rate a woman with high competence signals low as opposed to a female with low competence signals.

Take Home Message Organizations should strive to include objective measures. Reduce bias by educating people about stereotypes and prejudices. Identify who are the people that are biased. Use methods such as implicit bias test. Implement EPM systems to gather data. Objective is better because it it focused on direct measures of countable behaviors or outcomes. There are studies that have proven that by educating people about these problems they will be aware or self consciousness when they are being biased. Adding to the value of the organization by gathering electronic data. If the organization's identity who are the people that scoring high in SDO scale test, we can recognize and eliminate them as potential evaluators.

Group Take Home Message More EPM systems used to avoid discrimination Along with better supervisor training

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